tyre swing

Our EYFS Intent

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we are proud to facilitate every child’s first step into the bespoke, stimulating and awe-inspiring curriculum that is delivered throughout their time at school. 

We place the Christian values at the heart of what we do to inspire and ignite a lifelong love of learning. We provide a safe and nurturing environment in which children flourish in confidence, empowering them to lead their own learning and explore their interests through play. The staff care deeply and use their experience to scaffold the children’s learning and provide avenues of exploration through highly skilled and positive interactions. The environment is set up in a way that allows children to be independent learners and offers opportunities to develop creative thinking skills, through which the children’s resilience blossoms and equips them to deal with the triumphs and mistakes they experience on their learning journey. Through this approach we use the Characteristics of Effective Learning to plan and asses each child’s next steps. Staff enhance the areas of provision with resources that challenge, extend and run alongside the continuous provision, inspired by the children’s enthusiasms.

We offer opportunities to spark the children’s curiosity through adult planned themes linked to their interests, celebrations of key events and investigations into seasonal changes throughout the year. We establish a community and link this to the local community the children are familiar with in Calverley. We connect and foster close relationships with our families and use this as a springboard to discover and understand the wider world.

In Reception the daily timetable is structured in a way which allows for adult led carpet inputs, which bookend long periods of uninterrupted child led play. The inputs and adult led activities are always tailored to meet every child’s individual needs as well as building towards the end of year expectations. We deliver daily ‘Read, Write Inc’ Phonic sessions and class Maths, following the long-term plan. The Early Years Foundation works as a unit and the children have access to both classrooms and the outdoor area daily. The children leave reception intrinsically motivated and fully prepared, with the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need for their next stage of learning in Year 1.

Reception Curriculum Overview 

Autumn 1

updated for 2024-25 cohort

Autumn 2

updated for 2024-25 cohort

Spring 1

updated for 2023-24 cohort

Spring 2

updated for 2023-24 cohort

Summer 1

updated for 2023-24 cohort

Summer 2

updated for 2023-24 cohort


Why is the word God so important to Christians? - Creation

Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas? – Incarnation

Where do we belong?

Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter Garden? - Salvation

Which places are special and why?

Which stories are special and why?

School Values

Cycle 1







School Values

Cycle 2



Reverence & Respect


Creation & Creativity





Getting to know you

Seasonal Changes


Bonfire Night


Friendship (Anti-Bullying Week)




Seasonal Changes



My Family

Signs of spring



Frog Life Cycle - new frog pond launched


Making a home for a badger

Spring contd.



Moving to Australia



Taught Texts

Pantosaurus and the power of pants! 


Leaf Man

Pumpkin Soup

The Christmas Story

'Firefighters' (Non-Fiction)

Variety of Christmas Stories to read for pleasure - 'The Jolly Christmas Postman', 'We're Going on an Elf Hunt'

Not a Stick

Stanley's Stick


We're Going on a Bear Hunt

The Three Little Pigs

I Love You to the Moon and Back

Love Makes a family

All about Frogs (non fiction)

Somebody Swallowed Stanley

The tiger came to tea


Strong Like Me

I love my Daddy

My Family, Your Family

Our Class is a Family

All are Welcome

Taught Vocabulary

Diversity, community, unique, differences, celebrate, collaborate

Voyage, above, below, underneath, crunchy, multicoloured, season

Cabin, bagpipes, argument, squabble, peaceful, recipe, ingredients. 

Protect, conflict, remembrance, respect, defend, peace,

Emergency services, extinguish, fire safety

Nativity, miracle, saviour, stable, Bethlehem, manger, frankincense, myrrh

Season, winter, frozen, icicle, melting, frost, mist, 

Wonky, bendy, bumpy, zig zag, branch, trunk, bark, woods, imagination, pretend, describe, lost

Church: font, pulpit, altar, lectern, stained glass windows, pews

 Lent, gratitude, sacrifice,

Buds, blossom, pollen, nectar seeds, stem, roots, kitten, calf, piglet, chick, duckling lamb, tadpole, froglet

Charity, disciples, cross, Palm Sunday, prayer, 

pollution, materials, metal, plastic, wood, sea creature names, coral reef, earth, oceans, 

Habitat, den, bark, nurture, nature, shelter, badger, nocturnal, oak,

Life cycle, frogspawn, tadpole, froglet, amphibian

pirate, cutlass, treasure, eye patch, captain, ship, compass, desert island, 

Australia, continent, Great Barrier Reed, Ocean, travel, outback, coast, island, UK, England, inland, countryside,  mammal, animals names, constrast, similar, different, 




European Day of Languages

Bonfire Night

Children in Need

Remembrance Day

Anti-Bullying Week



New Year

Luna New Year

Rosa Park's Day

Valentine's Day

Shrove Tuesday 

Ash Wednesday




World Book Day

International Women's Day

Mothering Sunday

Walk to school Week

Earth Day 2024

Father’s Day

Transition Week

Visits/ visitors/ experiences

Nature Walk in School Grounds

Santa visit

Local Woodland Walk

World Book Day

Kate Pankhurst - International Women's Day

Holi Festival 

Signs of Spring walk with Mr Harkins

Nell Bank


Local cafe visit

Pirate Party

Summer Picnic - with new teachers

Kemp’s Farm

Calverley Allotments

Signs of Summer walk

Family Engagement

Parents Open Morning / Stay and Play Session

Phonics Workshop

'Christmas Crafternoon'

Nativity Show

Stay and Play session

Holi  festival

My Family Class Assembly

Parents Evening

Stay and Play session

Father’s Day Celebration

Sport’s Day

Reports sent home

Meet the Teacher


Set 1 sounds Read all single letter sounds speedily 25 sounds, orally blend and word time 1.1-1.4

Photocopiable Ditty and Teach Set 1 Special Friends

Word time 1.5 

Red Ditty 

Word time 1.6 and 1.7

Green Ditty

First 6 of Set 2 Sounds and Green Words

Purple Ditty

Set 2 sounds contd and Green Words

End of Purple Ditty

Read all 37 sounds


NumberBlocks 1-3

  • Order & compare numbers
  • Separating amounts into unequal groups and combining unequal groups

2d shapes

NumberBlocks 4-5

  • Order & compare numbers
  • Separating amounts into equal groups and combining equal groups
  • Sharing items out equally


NumberBlocks 1- 5

  • Order & compare numbers
  • Separating amounts into equal groups and combining equal groups
  • Sharing items out equally

2D Shapes

NumberBlocks 6, 7, & 8

  • Order & compare numbers
  • Separating amounts into equal groups and combining equal groups
  • Sharing items out equally


NumberBlocks 9 & 10

  • Order & compare numbers
  • Separating amounts into equal groups and combining equal groups
  • Sharing items out equally

3D Shapes