At Calverley CE Primary School, we study a wide range of books that provide our children with a great level of exposure to range of genres and authors.
The table below shows the books that each year group will be reading.
Year 2
Summer term | Eric - Shaun Tan | Cakes in Space - Phillip Reeve | Ada Twist and the Perilous Pantaloons - Andrea Beaty | The Street Beneath my Feet - Charlotte Gullian |
Year 3
Autumn term | The Lost Spells - Robert McFarline | Arthur and the Golden Rope - Joe Todd Stanton | Charlottes Web - E.B White | The BFG - Roald Dahl |
Spring term | The Pied Piper of Hamelin - Robert Browning | Earth Shattering events - Robin Jacobs | Old Possums book of Practical Cats - T.S Eliot | Africa, Amazing Africa - Atinkue |
Summer term | Mr Penguin and the lost treasure - Alex T.Smith | I am the seed that grew the tree - Fiona Waters | A necklace of raindrops - Joan Aiken | Fortunately, the Milk - Neil Gaimen |
Year 4
Autumn term | Undefeated - Kawame Alexandria | Zomberilla - Joseph Coelho | The Story of Flight - Jacob Whitfields | The Wild Roberts - Peter Brown |
Spring term | The Polar Bears Explorers club - Alex Bell | Tarmarid and the Star of Ishta - Jasminder Bilan | How does a lighthouse work? - Robin Belyaev | Letters from the Lighthouse - Emma Caroll |
Summer term | The Humans: Ancient civilisations - Johnny Marx | The Firework Makers Daughter - Phillip Pullman | The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S Lewis | Two weeks with the Queen - Morris Gleitzman |
Year 5
Autumn term | Who let the Gods out - Maz Evans | Cosmic - Frankie Coterell Boyce | The Race for Space - Clive Gilfford | The Good Thieves - Katherine Randell |
Spring term | Overheard in a Tower block - Joseph Coelho | When the stars come out - Nicola Edwards | Skellig - David Almond | Black and British: A short, essential history - David Olusoga |
Summer term | The story of the Titanic for children - Joe Fulman | Poems from the Second World War - Gaby Morgan | When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit - Judith Kerr | Real life mysteries: Can you explain the unexplained? - Susan Martineau and Vicky Barker |
Year 6
Autumn term | Once - Morris Gleitzman/After the war - Tom Palmer | Langston Hughes - 2022 - 2023 | Caged bird - Maya Angelou | Politics for beginners - Louie Stowell | Beetle Boy - M. G Leonard |
Spring term | Poems for Young People - Langsten Hughes | Holes - Louis Sachar | On the move: Poems about migration - Michael Rosen | The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aitkin | |
Summer term | Grimm Tales for young and old - Phillip Pullman | Incredible Journeys - Levison Wood | Fly me home - Polly Ho Yen | Poetry for Kids - William Shakespeare |