Access to the Physical Environment Targets



Success Criteria

1. School is aware of the access needs of disabled children, staff and parent/carers

2. Ensure that all disabled individuals can be safely evacuated.

A. Create access plans for individual disabled children as part of Pupil Passport process

B. Undertake confidential survey of staff and governors to ascertain access needs and make sure they are met in meetings etc

C. Layouts of rooms regularly checked and modified if necessary to support access

A. Put in place Personal Emergence Evacuation Plans for all as required

B. Develop a system to ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities.

As required

As required

Individual plans in place for all disabled pupils and all staff aware of all pupils’ access needs

Raised confidence of staff and governors in commitment to meet access needs and better participation in meetings

All disabled individuals and staff working with them are safe and confident in event of fire.

Access to the Curriculum





Success Criteria

1. Increase confidence of staff in differentiating the curriculum

2. Ensure all staff are aware of disabled children’s curriculum access

A. Inclusion Policy in place and in use

B. Regular staff training in inclusive practices and resources including SEN

A. Set up system of individual access plans for disabled children, including the use of ICT equipment and microphone systems in classrooms in new part of school.

B. Set up system for information to be shared with appropriate staff

reviewed every 3 years

As required

Headteacher/Inclusion Leader

Raised confidence of staff in strategies for differentiation and increased pupil participation

All staff work from a disability equality perspective


Ensure all staff have undertaken disability equality training. Headteacher to disseminate via Equalities Scheme, shared with staff

4. Ensure all school visits are accessible to all children

5. Review curriculum to ensure disability issues are included

Equalities scheme in place, staff and governors aware of scheme

Ensure all proposed visits are vetted for appropriateness & inclusivity

Include specific reference to disability equality when appropriate

Spring Term 2021




Leadership Team

Staff aware of equality issues

All pupils in school have access to all trips and take part in a range of activities

All pupils aware of disability issues and react positively to them

Access to Information Targets



Success Criteria

1. Review information to parents/carers to ensure it is accessible

A. Ask parents/carers about access needs when child is admitted to school

B. Be prepared to produce information in alternative formats e.g. large print, Braille

As required

All parents getting information in format that they can access e.g. tape, large print, Braille

2. Liaise with relevant pre-school providers.

Liaise with sending school for pupils transferring from another Primary setting.

3. Inclusive discussion of access with parents at Annual Reviews

A. Visit the setting to see the children/ talk to parents and staff.

B. Invite children into school before staring date – talk to parents.

B. Make use of all information sent from previous setting to establish baseline and individual needs.

A. Form part of review meeting

As required

As required

Needs are known on entry.

Child is fully included in relevant class.

Appropriate targets are set.

All staff have awareness of