School Meals
Our lunchtimes are staggered, starting at 11.45am for the youngest pupils and ending at 1.15pm for the oldest. The children may have a school meal or bring a packed lunch. All children in Key Stage One (to age seven) are entitled to a universal free school meal.
Children are encouraged to make healthy food choices and we ask that packed lunches do not contain sweets, chocolate bars and fizzy drinks. Nuts should not be included in packet lunches or brought into school due to allergies.
Lunches are served in a cafeteria system, offering the children choices for first and second courses. Children who bring a packed lunch are able to sit with their friends who are eating a school lunch.
School lunches are provided by the Leeds Catering Service, running on a three weekly cycle. The cost of school meals is £2.65 per day for all children in KS2. If your child wishes to change from a packed lunch to a school dinner (or vice versa) then 2 weeks notice is required.
You can view the menus below...