I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.
Our Curriculum
We have ensured that the curriculum has been designed so that every child can “makes the most of their God given gifts”. We will do this by offering stimulating and awe-inspiring learning experiences with Christian Values at its heart.
Our curriculum is bespoke to the needs of the pupils at Calverley C of E. It not only focusses on appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, it is also a curriculum which is ambitious for all pupils.
We ensure that the curriculum is coherently planned, sequenced and adapted offering a breadth of learning for all pupils.
We are sure that this will give the children in our school memorable experiences which build upon their interests and aspirations.
Calverley CE School will teach the individual subjects of the National Curriculum and make links between subjects where suitable when teaching 'topics'. (excluding English and Maths which will be taught separately, although may be linked to the theme of the topic).
The Curriculum will be taught in 'Blocked Units' of time per half term (excluding Maths, English, RE, PE - which will be taught at set times daily/weekly).
Each Year Group's curriculum can be viewed on the Curriculum overviews pages.
Any curriculum areas that do not meaningfully fit with the topic plan are taught separately in stand-alone sessions.
Age Related Expectations
The outcomes for children’s content learning have also been identified and progression of these skills has been planned for. The children revisit and develop skills and knowledge through the year and year on year as a result of a planned, 'spiralling skills' curriculum. The age related expectations for learning can be viewed in detail accessable from each of the curriculum subject pages.
Further to these curriculum outcomes (Age Related Expectations), engagement in learning outcomes were also developed so that they are at the core of the new, wider curriculum as well.
Both these outcomes allow for the identification and planning of a progressive curriculum that is appropriately pitched for each year group.
For further information:
* Government's National Curriculum - curriculum taught for years 1 to 6
* Development Matters Statements that outline the expected development stages in line with the themes of the EYFS
Equality and Diversity Curriculum
We ensure that at every level, in all our work and through all aspects of the school community and its life, everyone will be treated equally, reflecting the Single Equality Act 2010. We will not discriminate against the protected characteristics: age, gender, gender identity,race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
In order to promote diversity and equality for all, we embed the teaching of equality and British Values through our Personal, Health, Social Education scheme. and our RE teaching. Further details of this can be found on the Curriculum page of the website.
We include all children in our planning for the curriculum. Please see our Accessibility plan for further information.
Any curriculum areas that do not meaningfully fit with the topic plan are taught separately in stand-alone sessions.
The principles, aims and Long Term Plans for each curriculum area can be viewed by clicking on each curriculum subject.