Reception class - In the Boogie Bugs class, we have continued our learning around sticks by reading the book ‘stick man’. In the book, Santa helps Stick Man return to the family tree. However, we realise that it is not Christmas and that Santa will be way too busy preparing for next Christmas to help Stick Man! As a result, we decide to draw Stick Man a map to help him! The children were very good at remembering the way back for Stick Man. We followed this learning by making our own stick people and taking them to Calverley woods. We even found a stick family having a rest in one of the trees! We discussed who it could be in the family, as each family looks different. The children have enjoyed having photos of their families up in the classroom this week and reading books about different families.
In RE we have been learning what you will find inside a church, so the Boogie Bugs class have also visited St Wilfred’s Church last week. The children really impressed everyone with the vocabulary they picked up in our RE lesson and the respect and listening skills they showed at church.
Year 1
On Monday 22nd January Year 1 had a fabulous day at Tropical World!
We took part in a workshop called ‘Variety of life’ where we decided which animal belongs in these groups; mammal, fish, amphibian, bird, reptile and insects. We sorted them according to their characteristics. Some of the children got to dress up as a chameleon and a meerkat! We also enjoyed exploring the animals inside tropical world and learning about their habitats and the food they enjoy eating.
Year 3 have been working very hard this week (as always!). In P.E, they have demonstrated fantastic teamwork skills by listening to each other respectfully, to create some fantastic gymnastic routines containing both asymmetrical and symmetrical balances which they tried to hold for 4 seconds each. We have also been working practically in Science to explore how magnets move across different surfaces and in Art we have used a number of techniques such as ‘slotting’ and ‘tabbing’ to create 3D sculptures out of cardboard. Well done Year 3!
4HA Art
In Art lessons this half term Year 4 studied the artist Henri Matisse and his innovative ‘paper cut- out’ technique. We carefully cut out pictures of machinery and experimented by arranging these cut-out pieces in various ways, exploring how different arrangements create interesting compositions. It was a hands-on way for Year 4 to learn about composition and express their creativity through collage-making.
We then created a colourful background by using oil pastels. Afterward, we applied a layer of black paint over the pastel-covered surface. As the paint dried, the wax from the oil pastels resisted the paint, resulting in the coloured areas shining through. Using cocktail sticks, we then carefully copied our collage designs onto the prepared background, revealing the colourful patterns and shapes against the dark backdrop.
The product of Year 4's art project was truly remarkable, showcasing their creativity, attention to detail, and artistic skills in a stunning display of colour, texture, and composition!
Year 4 Art “Drawing with Scissors”
4SG used their imagination and cutting skills to create surreal robotic pictures in their sketch books. Here are some examples of their work.
In science, Year 4 have been looking at energy chains and food webs. We took advantage of some rare dry weather to build our diagrams on the astro-turf.
Tuesday 6th February marked ‘Safer Internet Day.’ This special celebration, which takes place in February of each year, aims to raise awareness of a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people. As part of its awareness, we encourage everyone - including children, parents and caregivers and teaching staff to join "Together for a better internet.” This is done in school in a number of ways; through sharing experiences, listening to experts, group discussions and practical activities. In addition to this, Years 5 and 6 took part in a social media safety workshop, delivered by coaches from the Leeds United Football Club Foundation. The workshop’s aim was to help pupils reflect on behaviours, set positive examples and create kinder communities.
A marketing agency company called HUB located in Calverley have donated a large amount of paper, card and files which will come in very useful within school. We would like to send our thanks and appreciation to Kieran for organising this and will let you know in the coming months how the school has used this generous donation. This would have otherwise gone in the recycling bin!! Thanks again HUB (and Kieran!!).
House logos
Another big thank you goes to Nick Jupp who designed our house logos. As you can see they are excellent and represent our leafy lane school. Thanks again for your time Nick!!
This half term winners goes to BEECH house. Well done to everyone!!
w/e 25.1.24 w/e 8.2.24
KS1 - 1ND & 1VE - 98% KS1 - 1ND - 99.3%
KS2 - 3OB - 99.3% KS2 - 5EB - 98.7%
w/e 1.2.24
KS1 - 2VSJH - 99.3%
KS2 - 3OB - 98.3%
CathedralSing! 2024 and School Outreach - Bradford Cathedral - If you are interested in your child attending the free CathedralSing! on 10th February, please see the Golden ticket letter on our Community Page of the school website. Community Page | Calverley CE Primary School (
Friday 9th February - School closes for half term holidays
Monday 19th February - School opens 8.50am