
Year 2 have begun their singing lessons! It has been a joy to hear voices singing together. We’ve been learning songs to sing two part rounds – The Lion Sleeps Tonight and The Nervous Wreck. This week we are going to begin singing the classic Harvest song, Cauliflowers Fluffy.  

In RE we have been learning about Creation. The children have read the creation story from Genesis. They have sequenced the story and displayed their own versions. They have also begun to explore what they think would make a creator unhappy or happy. This week the children explored ways to look after the world. We read the story 10 Things I Can Do To Help My World. This is available below as a youtube story! 

Y3 stoneage
Stone age y3

Year 3 have been learning about the Stone Age this week and how people survived 2.6 million years ago! We have focused on the different tools that they used such as hammer stones and bow and arrows and completed some super adverts about these weapons! They have also looked at what food Stone Age people would have hunted and gathered as well as looking at the famous village of Skara Brae in Orkney.  

Year 6 workshop

Year 6 had the opportunity this week to take part in a Positive Choices workshop run by Leeds United Football Club.  The session made links with the children’s upcoming learning in PSHE where they will be focusing on keeping safe whilst out and about as part of the unit ‘Weighing up Risk’. The 90-minute spotlight session covered a range of important topics including anti-social behaviour, how to stay safe online as well understanding the consequences of making negative choices. It was a fantastic session and the children found it extremely informative.  


As a school we have introduced a brand new award which will be presented during Friday's Celebration Assembly.  A certificate is given to the class in each Key Stage with the best attendance for that week.  The winners for last week and this week are:

w/e 22.9.23                                           w/e 29.9.23

KS1 - 2VSJH - 99.3%                         KS1 - 1ND - 97.7%

KS2 - 4SG - 98.7%                             KS2 - 3VB & 4SG - 98.7%

Well done to both classes.  Keep it up!!

Messy Church

Hello all our Messy Church friends. 

Our Messy Harvest this year will be on Saturday, 30th September from 2pm until 4pm. Why not come and join us for some storytelling, crafts and singing? Do you like eating fruit and vegetables? Why not have a go at using them to make interesting creatures? We would love to see you and your creatures. Remember, Saturday, 30th September at 2pm.

Please book a place by emailing [email protected]


Tuesday 10th October - Open morning (details to follow)

Monday 16th October - Individual photos

Tuesday 17th October - PTA AGM 7.30pm

Monday 23rd & Wednesday 25th October - Parents Evening (details to follow)