
Dear Parents,

Welcome to our latest newsletter.  

It was a shame we had the rain overnight and this morning.  We were all looking forward to the picnic.  At least we all still have it to look forward to on Sports Day later in the year.

Although it's been a short week, it has been a busy one in school.  Next week, our Year 6 children will be sitting their Key Stage 2 SAT tests and I am sure you will join me in wishing them all the very best.  They have all worked so very hard over the years in school and been especially focussed in the build up to the tests.  They certainly deserve to all do really well.

If you are joining in the celebrations for the King's Coronation, I hope you enjoy them and if you are not, I hope you have a great long weekend.

Take care,  Mr Curran.

Commando Joe R

Reception - Since coming back from the Easter holidays, we have got tadpoles in class with us. We have been learning about their life cycle and taking care of them. We have been engaging in frog related crafts and singing 5 little speckled frogs too. Reception have been demonstrating their amazing team work skills with some Commando Joe obstacle courses. They had to complete an ‘incy wincy’ spider course with a partner and then a team without letting go of each other’s hands! Well done Boogie Bugs a fantastic start to the summer term! 

Yr 5 Art

Year 5 have been creative once more! They have been studying a unit of art entitled Design For A Purpose. They have created a coat of arms which best represents themselves – showing their favourite hobbies, food and people. They have also designed their own ‘dream’ room – equipped with Playstations, VR sets and swimming pools in some cases! It was brilliant to see the amazing creativity and imagination the children have. 

Year 5 workshop
Y5 workshop

Year 5 - On Wednesday, Year 5 took part in a live webinar with 20 other Primary schools across Leeds. The workshop was hosted by Leeds Grammar School, providing us with the opportunity to have a poetry lesson delivered by Rob Bradley, a musician from West Yorkshire. Rob seamlessly merges rap, soul and folk music and is a brilliant story-teller and esteemed lyricist. He has won world championship rap competitions and rap battles. Combining poignant social observations, razor sharp northern wit and grand choruses, his music is supported around the world. The children felt so inspired by his lesson and we were blown away by his on the spot rap in which pupils provided the topics for him. He taught the children about pattern and repetition and that a poem can literally be created from anything!  

Y6 photo c
Y6 photo b
Y6 photo
Year 6 photography

Year 6 - have begun their photography unit and have captured ordinary fruit and vegetables in a creative, abstract way! They worked hard to look at each item in an unconventional way, examine the closer details and edit their photographs. We were so impressed with the end results. Have a look at some of their wonderful photographs – can you work out which fruit or vegetable has been used? 

Cricket 1
Tag Rugby

We have had a very busy couple of weeks at Calverley in regards to sport.  

Children in Years 3/4 and 5/6 took part in their respective cricket competitions, both representing the school with their fantastic skills. Mr. Bayley’s after-school cricket club lessons have been paying off as both groups did a brilliant job in all areas; bowling, batting and fielding. Well done to everyone who took part, it was a pleasure to watch you succeed. 

Girls in Y2-4 took part in a girls football Shooting Stars event. This event focused on building up their individual skills through fun challenges and scenarios. It was awesome to see everyone playing with a smile on their face and embracing each activity, building their confidence.  

Children in Y5/6 also took part in a Tag Rugby tournament held at Yarnbury RUFC. The team won twice, drew once and lost once meaning unfortunately they were not successful moving to the final. However, everyone played extremely well, and it was great to see so much hard work and determination to win. The team worked together brilliantly and really worked hard to keep each other motivated. For some people, this was their first-time taking part in any form of rugby and they performed exceptionally well.  

Finally, children in Y5 have been taking part in weekly Golf lessons from Jeff Whittam, our local PGA Professional at Calverley GC. So far, they have worked on driving, chipping and putting the golf ball, building up their skills with the increasing challenges set. Moving forward, we will look at having Jeff coaching different year groups across school to allow everyone the opportunity to get involved with this fantastic sport. 

If you would like more info on any of the sports mentioned here and clubs for them in West Leeds, please follow this link: 

Golf 2
Golf 1