Rec gender

Reception have had a lovely end to term; watching year 6’s production, finishing their football coaching sessions and visiting Kemp’s Strawberry farm. The children had a great time on the tractor ride and planted a strawberry plant which they got to take home. They were even given the task by the farmer of naming the newest piglet. The class voted and have decided upon the name Pom Pom! 

This week we had a teddy bears picnic with our year 1 teachers and enjoyed sharing treats and dancing with our bears. We also finally found out that Miss Dennison will be having a baby girl! Congratulations Miss Dennison, we can’t wait to meet her!  

The children are enjoying using the class countdown to when they will become year 1 and have been wearing their ‘Year 1 in training’ lanyards around school.  

We have enjoyed our last few days, doing what we do best, playing and having fun. Thank you for the most fun year, Reception. We are incredibly proud of you and wish you a wonderful summer and all the best for your time in year! 

y3 art

In Art this week, Year 3 have enjoyed learning all about French Painter Georges Seurat and the technique of ‘Pointillism’ which he created. Pointillism is a technique in painting where tiny dots of pure colour are applied to a canvas. The patterns that form with the tiny dots build up to create an image. Year 3 had great fun using cotton buds and paint to create their own landscapes using this technique. We were blown away by the fabulous landscapes they had made! Well done Year 3! 

All the staff in Year 3 are tremendously proud of the children for their hard work throughout the year and we hope you all have a lovely summer!  

Year 5 have had a wonderful year and all the teaching staff will miss the children’s smiles, chattiness, and humour!  We have had some amazing highlights: cooking spaghetti bolognaise, making bridges, writing amazing narratives, visiting Eden Camp, making sweet music on Ukuleles, circle times and team building! We are so humbled by the warm wishes from parents and cards and gifts sent by the children. Please have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you all again in Autumn Term. 

Other news item... 

We are so fortunate to have been led for 7 years by a wonderful Headteacher. Please watch the staff video – sharing our appreciation for Mr Curran. 


Sports Day 2023 

Despite the wet and cloudy conditions, Sports Day was a roaring success this year. All the children had a fantastic time competing in the various races battling it out for first, second and third place. Thank you to all the staff who volunteered and those who helped with the variety of jobs required to make it all run smoothly. Thank you to the children in Y5 who set-up and helped support our younger runners across the day. Thank you to the parents who braved the elements to cheer their child and their classmates onto sporting success. And finally thank you to the children; everyone who took part put their all into each event and it was fantastic to see everyone who was involved in every race receiving encouragement and praise for trying their best. Hopefully next year will be a drier affair, but no less fun and competitive. 


A massive congratulations to our staff rounders team who went undefeated last night to take home gold at the Pudsey cluster rounders competition.

Each player contributed to our school's victory, either through massive home runs, stolen bases or phenomenal fielding.

Well done to everyone who took part: dual winners of both the dodgeball and rounders staff competitions for 2023!


School closes Friday 21st July 2023

School re-opens to pupils Wednesday 6th September 2023 

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September are training days