
Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the latest addition of our school newsletter.  It has certainly been a busy few weeks in school with our Ofsted Inspection and recruitment for the Headteacher's post from September underway.  The children have all coped really well through all this and you should all be proud of them.

Next week has been nominated as Children's Mental Health Week.  At school we will discussing aspects of keeping a healthy mind and understanding when to ask for help in our assemblies and worship next week as well as in class.  An organisation called Place2Be are supporting this important week and they have some resources available that parents and carers may find useful.  These can be found at this link:

The theme for the week is "Let's Connect," and its focus is on developing and maintaining meaningful contacts to support good mental health and well-being.  I hope you find the information useful.

I can't believe that it is nearly half-term already, the weeks seemed to have passed quickly since we returned to school after the Christmas Holidays.  We look forward to seeing parents from Reception to Year 5 at parents' evening next week.

Take care everyone and I hope you all have a good weekend.

Mr Curran.

Reception a

Reception had a very dramatic start to their week!  On Monday morning the classroom was in disarray and we discovered a giant envelope amongst the mess!  Inside it was a letter from Daddy Dinosaur, who explained that he had lost his eggs somewhere around school and wanted us to help find them.  Together we drew and labelled a map of all the places we would check around school.  Then we set off on our egg hunt, carefully checking every room, corridor and outside area – eventually one egg was found in the shed and another in some bushes!  We are taking very good care of the eggs and have written to Daddy Dinosaur to explain that we have found them… I wonder if he might visit us soon to collect them??  

Year 3
Year 3 a

In Year 3, we have had a busy few weeks and we have been learning all about Kenning poems in our English lessons! We started by learning about the features of this type of poem and we read a range of examples which were all about different animals. We had to work together to try and work out what the animal was that was being described. The children did very well with this and they also thought about their own lines that they would like to include for each poem. After this, they wrote their own Kenning poem about an animal of their choice and they worked extremely hard to think of interesting verbs and to include examples of rhythm throughout the poem. We are really proud of our efforts with this and our final pieces of writing!  

Y5 Wr
Yr 5 writing

Year 5 have been very busy in their PSHE lessons learning about keeping safe online. We began by looking at things people post and what influences them, and then moved onto having an awareness that not everything online can be trustworthy.  

In this lesson Mrs Myers gave us a set of scenarios that may occur when we are online. She was blown away with our responses and ideas of how to manage our feelings and what appropriate steps we could take next. 

Year 6 art

In English, Year 6 have begun studying Macbeth. The children are utterly captivated by the tale and have been using figurative language techniques to describe the mysterious Scottish heath and the weird sisters. The teachers have been amazed by their imaginative and captivity descriptions. 

In Art, the children have been focusing on perspective and shading in still life. We explored: stippling, a range of hatching and using a wash. Check out our picture of the children using their ‘view finders’ to plan their compositions! 


Recently, a group of Y5 and Y6 took part in a development hockey session over at Crawshaw Academy. They completed drills to improve their shooting, dribbling and passing. All children did fantastic, braving the icy winds and cold hands to get the most out of the sessions. If you feel that Hockey is a sport you would like to try, the local clubs you could join are Leeds Hockey Club and Leeds Adel Hockey Club who both have excellent junior programs. 


Monday 6th February 2023 - Parents' evening

Thursday 9th February 2023 - Parents' evening

Friday 10th February 2023 - School closes for half term holidays

Monday 20th February 2023 - School re-opens