
Friday 7th October 2022

Reception  – Caterpillar and Butterfly Classes 

Reception woods

Reception have enjoyed continuing their learning about Autumn.  We shared the story of ‘Leafman’, then made our own leaf collage Leafmen and created labelled Leafman drawings.  We even went on a woodland walk and found Leafman himself!  During the walk, we also collected lots of autumn treasures and discussed the signs of autumn that we could see.  

Everybody walked with a partner and did brilliant looking and listening.  You were awesome autumn explorers, Boogie Bugs!    

Year 1 have been having an ‘arty’ time recently!  

We have learnt about the primary colours red, yellow and blue and used these to create secondary colours by mixing plasticine together. We then used this knowledge to mix paints to create secondary colours. Our new paint colours were used to decorate a piece of RE work. The fun continued in art when we drew lines to create a whole class piece of ocean artwork inspired by Zaria Forman’s work. We have also looked at the work of Beatriz Milhazes whose artwork is bright and colourful. We spotted circles in lots of her work which inspired our abstract artwork!  

Year 2 have enjoyed a school trip to Harlow Carr this week and took part in a workshop in which they identified different species of trees by looking at the shape of their leaves. We also measured trees to find out their age and planted our very own acorns in the green house…. fingers crossed we’ll have some oak trees soon! 

In Year 3, we have been learning about prehistoric art this week. We started this topic by looking at examples of cave


paintings. We talked about the animals that we could see in the images and we described the patterns, colours and textures that we could see.


After this, we had to choose our favourite animal from a selection of photographs to draw in our sketchbooks. As we were


drawing, we thought carefully about the key geometric shapes that we could see in the photographs. This helped us to map out the animal’s size and shape. At the end, we went over our sketches with an outline and we used colour to bring our work to life. We are really proud of our achievements!  

Yr 4 Anglo Saxon

Year 4 have been studying the Anglo Saxons in history. After locating where the original tribes travelled from, we considered which factors might have convinced them to leave their homeland, and set sail for Britain. We discussed settling and invading, deducing that the arrival of the Anglo Saxons must have been a combination of both. Playing a dice and map game gave us an insight into why some tribes were more successful in occupying

Year 4 Anglo Saxon

land than others. Taking part in a role play helped us imagine how spectacular the Saxon burial ceremony must have been at Sutton Hoo. By studying artefacts, we were able to piece together what happened and work out facts about who was buried there. Finally, we combined History and English skills by writing a newspaper report that chronicled the burial of King Raedwald. 

Yr 5

Year 5 - 5AH+5CMJH newsletter 

This week, we have started our Art topic learning about different techniques and skills which we can practice in our sketchbooks. One of the lessons we have taken part in is designing a new invention based on the ‘Little Inventors’ initiative: Below we have some pictures of our inventions; some are useful, some are funny and some are strange – enjoy! 

Year 6RP 


The children have been continuing their work all about The Front Line in WWII and have begun to study and evaluate different events during this time. They have been using their knowledge of chronology to create a timeline of several major events, which led to and ended the war. Throughout our history topic, we have made lots of links with our captivating and thrilling class novel, Once by Morris Gleitzman, and we are looking forward to hearing how Felix’s story concludes. The children have enjoyed writing up their diary entries, written in the voice of Felix, on coffee stained paper.  

Year 6CK

6CK Pic 2

Year 6 have recently completed their science unit on The Circulatory System.  The children have found out about the function of the heart, creating a poster to demonstrate their

6CK Pic 1

understanding, along with writing a short information report all about the blood and blood vessels.  To conclude our topic, the children carried out an investigation to examine the effect of exercise on heart rate.  After collecting the data, they presented this in a line graph and explained their findings.  

Black History Month


October is Black History Month and in School we will recognise this by discussing some of the many amazing contributions made to Britain and the wider worlds by people of colour.

On Monday in worship, the children were reminded about the British Values of accepting all and the importance of equality of opportunity and rights and introduced Black History Month.

We looked briefly at The Bristol Bus Boycott of 1963, the bravery of the men involved who began to take a stance against the Bus Company who refused to employ people of colour, how support grew, how the company changed its policy as a result of the boycott and the extremely positive impact it had on all of us in Britain by promoting the passing of the Race Relations Act (1968). 

                                              SCHOOL HARVEST FESTIVAL

Harvest Festival

We will be holding our annual school Harvest Festival on Wednesday, 12th October.

As all the children will be taking part in the service in our main hall, unfortunately we will not be able to invite parents into this event.  There is simply not enough room to accommodate parents when the whole school assembles together.

As school has done in previous years, we would like to ask you if you could donate any items of non- perishable food and/or toiletries that families living in need in our community can access.  As the cost of living continues to affect families all your donations will be extremely well received.  All your donations will be taken to Bradford Central Food Bank for distribution to families in need. 

Any donations can be given to classteachers in a morning from Monday, 10th October.

“…whoever is kind to those in need honours God.” (Proverbs 14:31)

Thank you for supporting this event.

After school clubs

Cool Coding Computing Club! 

Bee Bot

Over the last few weeks children from Y5 and Y6 have had an exciting time in computing club! They have been learning to programme and control robots – navigating treacherous routes with Bee Bots! They have also used Makey Makey’s as input devices – they converted a banana into a button which allowed them to play piano. If you’re confused by this – watch this video.

The children have also learnt to create stop motion animations – look out for our movies in the coming weeks! 


Dodge-ball Tournament at Crawshaw (29/9/22): 

Children from Year 6 recently took part in a Pudsey wide dodge-ball tournament held at

Dodgeball 1

Crawshaw Academy. Two teams entered and both had lots of success. It was great to see so much hardwork, resilience, sportsmanship and also honesty from all the

Dodgeball 2

children involved from Calverley C of E and they were a credit to the school. Here are some photos of both teams 

Dodgeball 4
Dodgeball 3

12th October - Harvest Festival 

17th October - Individual photos

17th and 20th October - Parents' evening

School break up - Friday 21st October 2022

School return - Monday 31st October 2022