Dear Parents,
A few weeks ago, we wrote to you all to say that, unfortunately, due to a sizeable outbreak of Covid-19 in school we would have to postpone our open evenings that we had planned. We took that decision based upon advice of Leeds City Council Health & Safety Team.
However, I am very pleased to say that following the reintroduction of a number of additional measures the numbers of members of the school community testing positive for Covid-19 has greatly reduced.
We therefore feel that we can now offer some evening meetings to give you a chance to meet some senior staff, find out a bit more about us and see the Reception classroom.
As we had previously planned, we do have to limit the number of parents attending these events to a maximum of 40. This is due to our current risk assessment. Could we please ask that only one adult from each family attends to ensure as many families as possible who wish to attend can attend.
We can offer the following dates for evening meetings:
· Wednesday, 8th December at 6:00pm to 7:00pm
· Thursday, 9th December at 6:00pm to 7:00pm
I am very sorry that we have had to change our plans so often this term. I hope you do all understand how difficult it is to plan events in schools at the moment as we are always making a balance between being open to visitors with the health and safety of everyone in our school community.
Places at the meetings will be offered on a first come, first served basis and bookings can be made by contacting school by email only at [email protected]
Please note, face masks must be worn by adults inside the school buildings.
If those dates are inconvenient for you. We have published a welcome message from myself and the Reception staff on our school website, which anyone can log onto.
We look forward to meeting you and apologies again for the uncertainty around these meetings taking place.
Yours sincerely,
Mr R Curran (Headteacher)