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                             CALVERLEY CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Managing Covid 19 in Schools from 8th March 2021 opening - Risk Assessment - Version 15 (8.3.21)                                                                                                                                                                    Section 1 - Pre - opening checks and assessments
Copyright © of Leeds City Council 2021. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of this document for commercial purposes or gain, whether by electronic means or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner, is prohibited.           
Area of control Control Measures Additional / altered measures / notes Implemented  by : Initial Date Completed
1.Building Management  1.1 Regular ongoing checks required. Amended    
1.1.1 Damage to asbestos containing materials e.g. these may have been damaged by rodent activity during the closure    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.1.2 Damage to the building and fixtures and fittings   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.1.3 Damage to grounds, playgrounds, outdoor play equipment, fencing, trees etc.…   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.1.4 Rodent activity and/or infestations - commissioning of pest control may be required   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2 Operational checks (to ensure good working order) to be carried out on  :       
1.2.1 Fire alarms/smoke alarms/refuge alert systems/ panic and accessible-toilet alarms.    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.2 Fire-door mechanisms, smoke exhaust systems and smoke curtains to ensure they function.   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.3 Emergency lighting   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.4 Gas supplies including science laboratories and kitchens    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.5 Kitchen equipment   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.6 Ventilation systems including LEV in kitchens, science labs and store rooms and classrooms   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.7 Water systems including flushing through and disinfection in accordance with your legionella risk assessment and policy. Where buildings have been limiting attendance to just vulnerable children and children of critical workers or have reduced occupancy, water system stagnation can occur due to lack of use, increasing the risks of Legionnaires’ disease. Advice on this can be found in the guidance on legionella risks during the coronavirus outbreak.… Amended AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.8 Water systems to look for leaks and ensure there is provision of hot water   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.9 Windows, doors and gates including electronic gates and doors   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.10 Any D&T equipment is checked, and ensuring any PPE is available as required by risk assessments.    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.2.11 Equipment used on site e.g. floor cleaners, photocopiers, whiteboards (servicing should be in line with the manufacturer’s/provider’s requirements).   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3 Ensure Statutory Inspections are up to date for :    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.1  Lifts and Lifting Equipment (if the scheduled inspections have not taken place in the last six months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.2 Pressure systems (if the scheduled inspections have not taken place in the last 12 months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.3 LEV (if the scheduled inspections have not taken place in the last 14 months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.4 Gas Appliances (if the scheduled inspections have not taken place in the last 12 months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.5 Fixed wiring (if the scheduled tests required by the regulations have not taken place in the last 5 years);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.6 PAT (if the scheduled tests required by the regulations have not taken place in line with your individual deadlines)    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.7 Asbestos Management Plan (if the plan has not be re-assessed in the last 12 months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.8 Sports Equipment (if the scheduled inspections have not taken place in the last 12 months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.9 Fixed Outdoor Play Equipment (if the scheduled inspections have not taken place in the last 12 months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.10 Tree surveys (if the scheduled inspections have not taken place in the last 12 months);    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.3.11 Fire Safety : contractor testing of the fire alarm (if this has not taken place in the last 6 months), fire extinguisher maintenance (if this has not taken place in the last 12 months), emergency lighting (if this has not taken place in the last 12 months), sprinkler systems (school weekly test & contractor 12 monthly tests), smoke exhaust and smoke curtains (contractor testing if it has not taken place in the last 12 months or in line with manufacturer’s guidance on testing).   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.4 Cleaning of the premises       
1.4.1 If the school has been partially open i.e not using all the rooms / spaces that will need to be used on the 8th March, it is recommended a thorough clean of these areas is undertaken in line with existing cleaning procedures before they are occupied.  Amended AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.4.2  If the school has been using all the premises, a full deep clean of the premises should not be necessary prior to the 8th March unless it has been required by Public Health Authorities as regular thorough cleaning should have been taking place.   Amended AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.5 Supplies   AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.5.1 Ensuring you have adequate supplies of hand sanitiser, soap and hand towels / drying facilities in kitchens, toilets and at sinks to allow for the numbers of students and staff on site and the increased amounts of cleaning required.    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.5.2 Ensuring you have adequate supplies of cleaning materials and any identified PPE to allow for increased cleaning and staff needs.    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
1.5.3  Identify if you have enough hand washing or hand sanitiser ‘stations’ available so that all pupils and staff can clean their hands regularly and action where necessary.    AB 8.3.21 and ongoing
2. Assessing staff and pupil numbers to assist in plans for partial opening 2.1 All pupils can attend schools from the 8th March.                                                      Parents informed w/c 22/2/221 BC 8.3.21
2.2 Contact parents / carers of pupils, and staff, to ascertain if there are any changes to / new medical or SEND needs so that staff rotas, ratios, medical, SEN and first aid needs etc. can be assessed. This will include re-assessing any staff or pupil needs / issues already identified on an individual staff or pupil risk assessment that may affect their ability to return or require further adjustments to be made.  Office to write to parents to see if any updates JS 8.3.21
2.3 Where pupil routinely attends more than one setting on a part time basis, for example because they are dual registered at a mainstream school and a special setting, the settings should work through the system of controls collaboratively, enabling them to address any risks identified and allowing them to jointly deliver the curriculum for the pupil.  Pupils should be able to continue attending both settings. While some adjustment to arrangements may be required, pupils in this situation should not be isolated as a solution to the risk of greater contact except when required by specific public health advice. 1 child will be attending ABC Centre & School on a transition plan into Year 2 up to Easter 2021 BC/VB/DC 8.3.21
2.5 Identify which / how many staff will be able to return on the 8th March taking into account current illness and the recent extension of the numbers of people classed as CEV and advised to shield. This will help determine what staff are available and how pupils and staff can be grouped. Where possible, it remains the case that wider government policy advises those who can reasonably work from home do so, however, school leaders are best placed to determine the workforce that is required in school. Some roles, such as some administrative roles, may be conducive to home working, and schools should consider what is feasible and appropriate. The expectation is that those staff not attending school who are still able to work should do so from home where possible.  JC & KC are CEV and will work from home until at least 31st March BC 8.3.21
2.7 Review ratios, rotas, medical and first aid needs on an ongoing basis.    SLT 8.3.21 & on-going
3.Updating pupil and staff details  3.1 Obtain up to date medical, allergy and emergency contact details from pupils and staff prior to coming back on site wherever possible.  Offcie to contact families JS 8.3.21
3.2 Re-assess if IPRAs or PBSPs are needed or need to be altered given the full return to school and any altered nature of the school use, day, timetable, staffing, medical needs, SEN  adaptations etc.…Control measures and risk ratings in those IPRAs / PBSPs may need to be altered to reflect the current situation.  None in place at present    
3.3 Staff should be made aware of any / reminded of medical conditions / needs of the pupils they are caring for e.g. allergies, asthma etc. and devices such as epi pins and inhalers should be available wherever the pupil is. Ensure staff are trained in their use. This is especially important at this time as many staff and pupils have been out of the setting for a considerable time.  Office to re-issue medical lists after writing to parents JS By 12.3.21
3.4 Food allergies / intolerances information should be shared with catering staff for staff and children they may not already be aware of. It is recommended that the information school holds regarding pupils allergies / intolerances is cross checked with catering staff to ensure the correct / up to date information is available for both parties as schools return to full opening.  Offcie to contact families and inform Kitchen JS 8.3.21
4.Assess activities / lessons which can take place  4.1 There is activity / subject specific and shared resources guidance in sections 31 to 35 on the following tab - Section 2.       
4.2 It is still recommended that children and young people limit the amount of equipment they bring into the setting each day, to essentials such as lunch boxes, hats, coats, books, stationery and mobile phones. Bags are allowed.  On re-opening we will continue not allowing bags and review in two weeks' time BC 8.3.21
4.3 Amend / stagger timetables for activities using halls or classrooms where activities cannot be done elsewhere e.g. D&T, practical science, art, so that groups of pupils can move around safely.  Re-instate previous Hall Timetables BC 8.3.21
4.4 Review how pupils and staff are interacting, numbers on site, how equipment is being used and cease or re-instate activities / equipment as necessary.    SLT/All staff On-going
5.Information to pupils, staff, parents / carers, visitors and contractors. 5.1 Clear communication with parents / carers is essential from the school and the LA so they understand what schools can offer safely to their children. This should include informing parents / carers who are critical workers that they should keep their children at home if they can.  It may also be of value to inform those parents / carers if your learning provided is the same for both pupils in and out of school to help re-inforce the message to keep their children at home if they can.  Letter to all parents w/c 1.3.21 BC by 5.3.21
5.2 All persons likely to come onto the school grounds must be informed they must not attend if they are displaying any symptoms of Coronavirus, if they are self isolating following Government Guidance for households with family members displaying symptoms, if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or if they are required to quarantine having recently visited countries outside the common travel area . Letter to all parents w/c 1.3.21 BC by 5.3.21
5.4 Update behaviour and staff policies to reflect the new rules and routines necessary to reduce risk in your setting and agree how to communicate this to staff, pupils and parents. The behaviour policy should include steps to be taken if pupils fail to follow the new rules and routines or deliberately put themselves or others at risk e.g. deliberately coughing or spitting on another person. Both staff and pupil policies may include the steps that could be taken if government guidance on social distancing and self isolating outside of the school is not being followed and this places other persons in the school at increased risk.  Re-instate Behaviour Policy as of Autumn Term 2020 BC 8.3.21
                CALVERLEY CE PRIMARY SCHOOL  Managing Covid 19 in Schools from 8th March 2021 opening - Risk Assessment - Version 15 -   Section 2 Ongoing procedures and practices subject to regular review and change 
Copyright © of Leeds City Council 2021. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of this document for commercial purposes or gain, whether by electronic means or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner, is prohibited.           
Area of control Control Measures Additional / altered measures / notes Implemented  by : Initial Date Completed
6.Clinically extremely vulnerable and vulnerable staff and pupils 6.1 Clinically Extremely Vulnerable persons,  Clinically Vulnerable persons, and staff at higher risk (BAME, staff over 60, persons living with CEV / CV people).      
6.1.1 Staff - From 1st April 2021 CEV staff are no longer advised to shield and can return to the workplace. Government advice is currently that everyone is advised to continue to work from home where possible, but if staff cannot work from home they should now attend the workplace.  Employee risk assessments e.g WASPs must be reviewed for all Clinically Extremely Vulnerable staff before they return to the workplace to ensure it is as safe as possible. This should include considering if it is possible for the member of staff to continue to work from home, or whether reasonable adaptations to their role would mean they could work from home or if additional control measures are required. For example : 
o can certain activities / tasks be carried out at home to reduce time on site ?
o can a lower risk role be carried out for all / some of the time ?
o travelling at non peak times if using public transport,
o face masks / face shields / perspex screens in class,
o additional PPE such as aprons / gloves.
Staff that were advised to shield in the February expansion of the shielding programme that did not have an individual Covid risk assessment should have one carried out now before they return to the setting in line with the above considerations. Schools can seek advice from Occupational Health if there has been a significant change in an individual’s health and medical advice is required. The progress of the vaccination programme, wider use of face coverings in schools, along with LFD testing programmes in schools, for parents / carers, for household members of school staff and in other workplaces, are all additional control measures that are now in place since shielding re-commenced in January 2021.  This should be reflected in the individual risk assessment. It is recommended staff are encouraged to take part in the vaccination and LFD testing programmes if they are able to.   Pregnant staff and pupils - More guidance and advice on coronavirus (COVID-19) and pregnancy is available from the Royal College of Gynaecologists. Pregnant staff and pupils over 28 weeks gestation and those with underlying health conditions which place them at higher risk should work from home if strict social distancing cannot be adhered to or in roles where this is possible and all pregnant staff and pupils should take particular care to practise frequent, thorough hand washing, and cleaning of frequently touched areas in their home or workspace. 
Updated WASPs completed with CEV staff & Pregnant worker 25/3/21 BC 25/03/2021
6.1.2 All staff should follow the measures set out in the system of controls in this risk assessment to minimise the risks of transmission. This includes continuing to observe good hand and respiratory hygiene and maintaining social distancing.  CV and staff at higher risk should take particular care to practise frequent, thorough hand washing, and cleaning of frequently touched areas in their home and/or workspace. Ideally, adults should maintain 2 metre distance from others, and where this is not possible avoid close face to face contact and minimise time spent within 1 metre of others. Adults should continue to take care to socially distance from other adults including older children/adolescents. Schools should be as flexible as possible in how members of staff in these categories are deployed e.g., placing them in roles in settings where it is more possible to maintain social distancing or with the use of additional PPE.   All staff aware BC 8.3.21
6.1.3 All staff should follow the measures set out in the system of controls in this risk assessment to minimise the risks of transmission. This includes continuing to observe good hand and respiratory hygiene and maintaining social distancing.  CEV, CV and staff at higher risk should take particular care to practise frequent, thorough hand washing, and cleaning of frequently touched areas in their home and/or workspace. Ideally, adults should maintain 2 metre distance from others, and where this is not possible avoid close face to face contact and minimise time spent within 1 metre of others. Adults should continue to take care to socially distance from other adults including older children/adolescents. Schools should be as flexible as possible in how members of staff in these categories are deployed e.g., placing them in roles in settings where it is more possible to maintain social distancing or with the use of additional PPE.   Relevant staff aware BC 26.3.21
7.Persons who are already displaying Coronavirus symptoms  7.1 All persons who are displaying symptoms must not come into school and should follow Government guidance on self isolating including test and trace.   All staff aware BC 8.3.21
7.2 Persons whose family members are displaying symptoms of Coronavirus must follow Government guidance regarding self isolating including test and trace.  All staff aware BC 8.3.21
8.Persons developing Coronavirus symptoms who have been on site previously or persons who develop symptoms whilst on site 8.1 All persons who develop Coronavirus symptoms in between attendance times or whilst on site, should follow government guidance on self-isolating (including isolating for at least 10 days) and including test and trace. Staff or pupils on site when they develop symptoms should be sent home as soon as possible. All staff and pupils who are attending an education or childcare setting will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus. Settings have been provided with a small number of home testing kits that they can give directly to parents/carers collecting a pupil or to staff members who have developed symptoms at their setting where they think providing one will significantly increase the likelihood of them getting tested. Advice will be provided alongside these kits. All staff aware BC 8.3.21
8.2 Whilst awaiting pick up persons should be isolated in a separate area with a closed door (and preferably an open window).  Pupils will need to be supervised whilst this takes place. Consider if you can set aside a separate room to be available for potential isolation of staff and pupils. If it is not possible to isolate them, move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people. Isolation Room is the Meeting Room in the new main reception area. BC 8.3.21
8.3 An IIR face mask should be worn by the supervising adult if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained. If contact with the child or young person is necessary, then gloves, an apron and a IIR face mask should be worn by the supervising adult. If a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing, spitting, or vomiting, then eye protection should also be worn. All staff aware BC. AB to ensure stocks are adequate 8.3.21
8.4 Where the initial child, young person or staff member with symptoms tests negative, they can return to their setting and the fellow household members can end their self-isolation.
Where a contact traced child, young person, or staff member tests negative following the development of symptoms they will need to continue self -isolating until 10 days after symptoms have started. Fellow household members can end their self-isolation. 
All staff aware BC 8.3.21
8.5 Where a child, young person or staff member tests positive , or there is an overall rise in sickness absence where coronavirus (COVID-19) is suspected, you can contact the DfE helpline for advice around which bubble(s) should be collapsed and staff and pupils sent home  and advised to self-isolate for 10 days. The other household members of that wider class or group do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms. Inform DCS Alert using form PCIF 01.    BC 8.3.21
8.6 If settings have 2 or more confirmed cases in connected groups within 14 days they may have an outbreak, and should contact the PHE helpline. Alternatively you can contact the DfE Helpline on 0800 046 8687 and select option 1 for advice on the action to take in response to a positive case. In some cases, health protection teams may recommend that a larger number of other pupils self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure - perhaps the whole site or year group. If settings are implementing controls from this list, addressing the risks they have identified and therefore reducing transmission risks, whole setting closure based on cases within the setting will not generally be necessary, and should not be considered except on the advice of health protection teams. Inform DCS Alert using form PCIF 01.    BC/JS 8.3.21
8.7 If a member of staff has helped someone who was unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves or the pupil or staff member subsequently tests positive.  They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell.  All staff aware BC 8.3.21
8.8 Clean core areas those staff or pupils have been in with standard cleaners / disinfectants.   AB 8.3.21
8.9 A separate sanitary facility should be provided for individuals who display symptoms. These should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else as should any areas they are isolated in. We would use toilet close to Room 9 and seal off until cleaned AB 8.3.21
8.10 Consider if possible the provision of an additional sterile classroom/space which could be used to move a group to where a member of that group has displayed symptoms. This may enable cleaning and disinfection of the potentially contaminated area.  We would use small hall and suspend PE Timetable if necessary BC/AB 8.3.21
8.11 Public Health England is clear that routinely taking the temperature of pupils is not recommended as this is an unreliable method for identifying coronavirus (COVID-19). All staff aware    
  Follow the guidance in 2021 Bulletin 09 - COVID 19 and CF50 if you have reasonable evidence that a member of staff has contracted Covid-19 through their work activities.    BC/JS 8.3.21
  Follow the guidance in the simple flowchart for cases - these are all available on Leeds For Learning.   BC/JS 8.3.21
  Useful information on self isolating      
9.Controlling access into the school for staff, pupils and members of the public.  9.1 Travel patterns differ greatly between settings. If those patterns allow, settings should consider staggered starts or adjusting start and finish times to keep groups apart as they arrive and leave. Staggered start and finish times should not reduce the amount of overall teaching time. Timetable in place BC 8.3.21
9.2 Open as many access points into the school grounds during drop off and pick up as possible to assist with social distancing and enabling ease of access for pupils.  Plan in place BC 8.3.21
9.3 Where possible have separate access and exit points into the building for different groups of pupils and staff as close as possible to their designated classroom / work areas. Rooms / work areas should be accessed directly from outside where possible. Plan in place BC 8.3.21
9.4 Where possible, at drop off and pick up times to avoid the contamination of door handles doors should be kept open or only opened / closed by the member of staff responsible for that area and regularly cleaned / sanitised. Safeguarding and health and safety must be assessed to see if this is appropriate, especially for younger children and pupils with SEN needs and fire procedures will need to be altered to ensure those doors are closed should the fire alarm sound.  Plan in place BC 8.3.21
9.5 Parents and carers should be advised not to congregate in playgrounds / outside school and to observe social distancing.  If possible areas outside drop off / pick up points could be marked with social distance markers to help. Heads continue to have the discretion to ask parents / carers / visitors to wear face coverings when on the school grounds where social distancing of 2m is difficult to achieve or not being adhered to.  Parents made aware in letter 26.2.21 BC 26.3.21
9.6 Parents and carers should be advised that where possible only one adult at a time should accompany their child to / from school.  Parents made aware in letter w/c 1.3.21 BC by 5.3.21
9.7 Parents and carers should be informed they should only come into the school building via the office reception area and by prior arrangement where possible.  Parents made aware in letter 26.2.21 BC 26.3.21
9.8 Staff should access and exit through the closest entrance to the area they will be based in.   All staff aware BC 8.3.21
9.9 Inform suppliers, contractors, visitors as far as possible of the times the school is open and the procedures for accessing the site if these have changed.   AB/JS 8.3.21 
  9.10 Ensure that staff working in the reception area / office are protected from face to face contact e.g. via the use of screens.  Staff in open reception areas may require face coverings (and face shields) if screens cannot be provided.    JS/AB 8.3.21
10.Handwashing and hand sanitisers (N.B Regular and thorough hand cleaning is going to be needed for the foreseeable future.) 10.1 Have hand wash stations or hand sanitisers at entrance points to the building and get staff, visitors and pupils to use them on entry.   AB 8.3.21
10.2 Pupils and staff should wash their hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds on entering their allocated area and at regular intervals throughout the day, particularly after going to the toilet, touching faces, coughing or sneezing, learning outside and before and after eating. Paper towels or hand dryers should be available for drying hands.  Hand sanitiser could be utilised where handwashing is not practicable or possible. Staff working with children and young people who spit uncontrollably may want more opportunities to wash their hands than other staff, or, children and young people who use saliva as a sensory stimulant or who struggle with ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ may need more opportunities to wash their hands than children and young people who do not.   All staff 8.3.21
10.3 If sinks are not available close to or in classrooms / work areas then hand sanitiser must be provided.    All staff 8.3.21
10.4 All persons should wash their hands or use hand sanitiser before leaving the premises or changing work areas.    All staff 8.3.21
10.5 Tissues should be available in all group areas and should be single use only and binned after use.    AB 8.3.21
10.6 Any waste products used by staff or pupils that start to show symptoms whilst in school should be double bagged and kept (securely) for 72 hours before being disposed of via the usual waste route. NB the virus cannot survive on a surface for more than 72 hours according to current guidance.   AB 8.3.21
10.7 In addition staff are to wash hands or use hand sanitiser on entry to staff rooms, before and after preparing food and drinks, and before leaving.  All staff aware BC 8.3.21
10.8 Identify if supervision of hand sanitiser use is necessary given the risks around ingestion. Small children and pupils with complex needs should continue to be helped to clean their hands properly. Skin friendly skin cleaning wipes can be used as an alternative. All staff aware BC 8.3.21
10.9 Sanitising products should be non alcohol based in areas where there may be sparks or naked flames e.g. science labs, kitchens and some D&T rooms.   AB 8.3.21
11.Cleaning  11.1  General Cleaning      
11.1.1 Cleaning should be carried out using standard cleaning chemicals/disinfectant and / or anti-viral wipes and sprays. Guidance is available in…      AB 8.3.21
11.1.2 Have a dedicated provision of cleaning products in each classroom / work area in use containing hand sanitisers, anti – viral wipes / sprays, paper towels, soap, tissues e.g. in  a container like a storage box, workbox etc. so it is easy to pick up and move around the space as required.  These should be stored out of reach of pupils. Depending on the layout of spaces and in order to aid social distancing more than 1 bin may be needed in each room i.e. 1 by staff locations and 1 where pupils are located.    AB 8.3.21
11.1.3 Frequent cleaning should take place for regularly touched surfaces e.g. door handles, tables, chairs, toilets, wash basins etc. and rooms or shared areas that are used by different groups.  Where pupils are able to (based on their ability) it is acceptable for pupils to assist with wiping down dining tables, desks, chairs, equipment etc. at the beginning and / or end of a session (which may be a lesson if they are moving rooms), or at regular points throughout the day (if they are not moving spaces / rooms). Cleaning is especially important if other groups will be using the areas / equipment in the next 3 days.  They should be supervised to ensure it is done properly and safely. If pupils or staff have allergies to the products they should not use them or they could use non latex gloves (for contact allergies).    AB 8.3.21
11.1.4 Clean surfaces that children and young people are touching, such as toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, bannisters, more regularly than normal.   Staff aware AB/BC 8.3.21
11.1.5 Shared materials and surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected more frequently.  Malleable materials for messy play can be used provided they can be handled by a consistent group of children of and that no one else outside this group can come into contact with it. Alternatively single user alternatives can be used. The malleable material for messy play (for example sand/water/mud) must be able to be used and cleaned - including being replaced - regularly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, where applicable. Children and staff should wash their hands thoroughly before and after messy play. Frequently touched surfaces, equipment, tools and resources for messy play should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before they are used by a different group. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
11.1.6 Staff undertaking wider cleaning should wear disposable gloves and aprons and change these after cleaning each separate area.     AB 8.3.21
11.2 Rooms used for Isolating persons displaying symptoms      
11.2.1 Rooms used for isolating pupils or staff who display symptoms of Coronavirus could be left for 72 hours if possible and then normal cleaning resumed or a deep clean of that room should be undertaken.  Second isolation space would be the Library AB 8.3.21
11.3 Clothing      
11.3.1 There is no need for anything other than normal personal hygiene and washing of clothes following a day in school. Increased ventilation may make school buildings cooler than usual in cold weather so schools should consider allowing pupils to wear additional items of clothing in addition to the school’s current uniform. Where this occurs, no extra financial pressure should be placed on parents.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12. Bubbles / Social Distancing Minimising contacts and mixing between people reduces transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). This is important in all contexts, and schools must consider how to implement this. Schools must do everything possible to minimise contacts and mixing while delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.
The overarching principle to apply is reducing the number of contacts between pupils and staff. This can be achieved through keeping groups separate (in ‘bubbles’) and through maintaining distance between individuals. These are not alternative options and both measures will help, but the balance between them will change depending on the: pupil’s ability to distance, the layout of the building and the feasibility of keeping distinct groups separate while offering a broad curriculum. 
Consistent groups reduce the risk of transmission by limiting the number of pupils and staff in contact with each other to only those within the group. Maintaining distinct groups or ‘bubbles’ that do not mix makes it quicker and easier in the event of a positive case to identify those who may need to self-isolate and to keep that number as small as possible.
When using larger groups, the other measures from the system of controls become even more important to minimise transmission risks and the numbers of pupils and staff who need to self-isolate.
Younger pupils and those with complex needs will not be able to maintain social distancing and it is acceptable for them not to distance within their group.
 Using small groups can restrict the normal operation of education and present educational and logistical challenges.
You will need to consider the cleaning and use of shared spaces, such as playgrounds, dining halls and toilets, and the provision of specialist teaching and therapies. Assess your circumstances and try to implement ‘bubbles’ of an appropriate size to achieve the greatest reduction in contact and mixing. Make sure this will not affect the quality and breadth of teaching or access for support and specialist staff and therapists. Whatever the size of the group, they should be kept apart from other groups where possible. Encourage pupils to keep their distance within groups. Try to limit interaction, sharing of rooms and social spaces between groups as much as possible.
Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.1 Corridors and Circulation Spaces      
12.1.1 Corridors could be marked out with social distancing indicators as a visual aid for  staff and pupils if it is appropriate / useful.       
12.1.2 A system for movement around school, into / out of classrooms, use of toilets should be devised to avoid paths crossing where possible e.g. use of one way systems, 2m queues, controlled access / exit.  Staggering break times, lunchtimes and lesson change over will help minimise corridor occupancy.  Groups should be kept apart and movement around the school site kept to a minimum.       
12.2 Bubble sizes and Classrooms / Learning Areas      
12.2.1 Classes will act as bubbles and stay separate inside and outside the buildings form other groups of children and adults Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.2 Whatever the size of the group, they should be kept apart from other groups where possible and children and young people that are able should be encouraged to keep their distance within groups. Settings with the capability to do it should take steps to limit interaction, sharing of rooms and social spaces between groups as much as possible. It is recognised that younger children and those with complex needs will not be able to maintain social distancing and it is acceptable for them not to distance within their group.  For children old enough, they should also be supported to maintain distance and not touch staff and their peers where possible.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.3 Classrooms desks (if in use) should be laid out to enable staff and pupils to move around the room safely and be facing forward or side by side wherever possible and pupils allocated designated desks / spaces where possible / practicable. Furniture / equipment surplus to requirements could be removed to assist social distancing, movement round the class, and reduce potential touch points.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.4 Consider the rotation of resources to limit what needs to be cleaned on a daily basis and to allow access to a range of activities.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.5 For older year groups consider locating staff members at designated points where possible.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.6 If other members of staff need to move around different 'bubbles' they should ensure they maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible. Administration of emergency first aid is an exception to this.  For classroom support, informative, supervisory or supportive reasons other staff may need to enter work areas. If they do they should maintain social distancing or use other mitigations such as PPE, Perspex screens and observe good hand hygiene.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.7 Staff and pupils should stay in the same specified groups throughout their attendance time and each subsequent time wherever possible and sit at the same desks on consecutive days . You may keep pupils in their class groups for most of the classroom time, but also allow mixing in wider groups for  wraparound care. Siblings may also be in different groups. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.8 As far as possible, ensure that consistent staff are assigned to each 'bubble' and that movement between bubbles is limited. It is recognised that there will be a need in some settings for staff to move between bubbles e.g. for subject specific lessons, targeted work, to cover staff illness etc.. . Staff should ensure social distancing is observed as far as possible with pupils.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.9 Ensure that wherever possible pupils use the same classroom or area of a setting throughout the day, with a thorough cleaning of the rooms at the end of the day.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.10 All bubbles of pupils and the staff working with those bubbles should be kept separate in different areas with sinks available wherever possible.  It is recognised that some staff e.g.  support staff,  will need to move around different areas and bubbles in the school. Social distancing between bubbles and staff,  including when moving around school,  should be maintained as far as possible.  All teachers and other staff can operate across different classes and year groups to facilitate the delivery of the timetable. Where staff need to move between groups, they should try and keep their distance from pupils and other staff as much as they can, ideally 2 metres from other adults. Try to minimise the number of interactions or changes wherever possible. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.11 Where possible consider carrying out any necessary closer supervision side on rather than face on.  Perspex screens or face shields could be used.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.12 Adults must keep a social distance of 2m away from other adults wherever possible including in class, during supervision, at break times and moving around school.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.2.13 PPA time - staff moving between bubbles for PPA time should be limited as far as possible e.g. not working across multiple different bubbles every day unless they can maintain social distancing. Consider grouping staff to a smaller number of PPA bubbles, having PPA when outside areas / activities could be used, use of HLTAs and TAs that are already part of that bubble where appropriate, and the use of PPE if close contact is required.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.4 Outdoor Areas      
12.4.1 Pupils should remain in their 'bubbles' when outside and socially distance where possible. Zoning outside areas for different bubbles may assist with this. Staff supervising should maintain social distancing as far as possible. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.5 Breaks and Lunchtimes      
12.5.1 Breaks and lunchtimes could be staggered to allow safer movement around the school, safer use of the play areas and dining halls and cleaning between 'bubbles'.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.5.2 Bubbles will be kept separate in the dining hall. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.6 Toilets      
12.6.1 As far as possible allocate different groups their own toilet blocks if the site allows for it. Toilets will need to be cleaned regularly and pupils must be encouraged to clean their hands thoroughly after using the toilet. The use of hand sanitiser stations outside / inside toilets may assist with this as pupil volumes increase. Where possible use of toilets should be as close to their learning base or on a rota with social distancing observed if groups have share / mix e.g. staff toilets, shared toilets off corridors / between classrooms.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.6.2 Limit the number of children or young people who use the toilet facilities at one time. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.6.3 Wash hands before and after using the toilet (or use hand sanitisers if hand washing is difficult to achieve).  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.6.4 Where possible staff should use the staff toilets as close to their work areas as possible and follow social distancing guidelines when moving to / from them. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.6.5 For older pupils and staff toilets it is good practice for pupils and staff using the facilities to wipe down door handles, toilet seats and flush handles after use with an anti-viral wipe following a  “If You Use It – Wipe It” principle.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.6.6 Signage to the backs of toilet doors and above sinks could be provided to remind pupils and staff to wash their hands and follow the “If You Use It – Wipe It” principle (for older pupils, staff and visitor facilities). Provide bins for the disposal of wipes if not already in place. For shared staff toilets you could use laminated engaged / vacant signs or other markers on the outside door that staff change appropriately to limit the number of staff using them at any one time. These would relate to the number of users allowed at any one time.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.7 Assemblies / Collective Worship      
12.7.1 Bubbles should be kept apart so large gatherings such as assemblies or collective worship with more than one 'bubble' or a large bubble e.g. year group, should be avoided. Assemblies could be virtual via video recordings or live streaming into classrooms.  No Collective Worship until further notice BC 8.3.21
12.8 Staff areas      
12.8.1 Staff rooms and offices should be re-arranged to have 2m gaps between seating and work stations and / or stagger breaks / lunchtime or use a rota for common resources and areas to limit staff numbers using the area at any one time. Staff should observe social distancing in these areas. It is recommended schools work out the square metred area available for staff seating and divide this by 4 to give a maximum occupancy rate.  The actual number may need to be lower to take into account pinch points such as hot and cold food / drinks stations. Provide signage on the door / in the room to remind staff to socially distance, wear face coverings and maximum occupancy.  All staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.8.2 Consider creating additional staff break areas to limit use and aid with social distancing and consider limiting the number of staff that can be together to work outside the classroom / take breaks together.  Old Office area will be an additional staff room BC 8.3.21
12.8.3 For shared touch points e.g. door handles, drawer handles, microwaves, kettle handles, hot water handles, photocopiers, keyboards etc.  follow the “If You Use It – Wipe It” principle with anti-viral wipes. All staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.8.4 Consider stopping the use of shared resources such as fridges, milk, tea, coffee etc. to minimise touch points and advise staff to bring their own provisions in (in a cool bag if food needs to be kept cold).  Staff will continue to use shared resources but cleaning supplies provided BC 8.3.21
12.9 Communication      
12.9.1 It is recommended that staff share mobile phone numbers and communicate via these between groups where possible or that school phones or walkie talkies are used to minimise movement between groups.  If staff need to communicate outside their groups they should observe social distancing.   Staff aware BC 8.3.21
12.9.2 In these exceptional circumstances it is recognised that staff that are still working may need to have their personal mobile phones with them whilst at work for emergency access.  In such situations, staff should still follow the practice principles outlined in the guidance for safer working and the school’s acceptable use policy regarding the use of their own phones. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
13.First Aid 13.1 Ensure adequate first aid provision for the numbers of staff and pupils on site, this is likely to include staff with Full FAW qualifications and paediatric first aiders for early years settings.    JS 8.3.21
13.2 Paediatric first aiders must be available at all times that children up to the age of 5 are on site or on educational visits.    JS 8.3.21
  14.1 The use of Lifts and control panels should be limited to essential users only and should be cleaned between users e.g. using hand sanitisers or ant-viral wipes.    BC 8.3.21
14.2 Multi user Electronic signing in / out systems should not be used at this current time unless they can be cleaned between users either by the use of hand sanitisers or anti-viral wipes.  Not in use until further notice BC/JS 8.3.21
14.3 IT equipment should be cleaned between users if it cannot be kept for the sole use of an individual.  All staff aware BC 8.3.21
15.General controls    15.1 Ventilation      
15.1.1 Once the school is in operation, it is important to ensure it is well ventilated and a comfortable teaching environment is maintained. Where possible, to aid ventilation and avoid the contamination of door handles that need to be opened / closed regularly, doors should be kept open or only opened / closed by the member of staff responsible for that area and regularly cleaned / sanitised. External opening doors may also be used (as long as they are not fire doors and where safe to do so) Safeguarding and health and safety must be assessed to see if this is appropriate, especially for younger children and pupils with SEN needs and fire procedures will need to be altered to ensure those doors are closed should the fire alarm sound.  staff aware BC 8.3.21
15.1.2 Where possible open windows to classrooms, offices, staff rooms etc. In cooler weather windows should be opened just enough to provide constant background ventilation, and opened more fully during breaks to purge the air in the space.  staff aware BC 8.3.21
15.1.3 You can continue using most types of air conditioning system as normal. If you use a centralised ventilation system that removes and circulates air to different rooms it is recommended that you turn off recirculation and use a fresh air supply. Air conditioning systems that mix some of the extracted air with fresh air and return it to the rooms, individual room systems or portable units do not need adjusting. Ventilation to chemical stores should remain operational. Mechanical ventilation systems should be adjusted to increase the ventilation rate wherever possible, and checked to confirm that normal operation meets current guidance (if possible, systems should be adjusted to full fresh air or, if not, then systems should be operated as normal as long as they are within a single room and supplemented by an outdoor air supply.  Heating systems that utilise warm air should follow the same principles. Guidance from HSE is available at… staff aware BC 8.3.21
15.1.4 To balance the need for increased ventilation while maintaining a comfortable temperature, the following measures should also be used as appropriate:  opening high level windows in preference to low level to reduce draughts, increasing the ventilation while spaces are unoccupied (e.g. between classes, during break and lunch, when a room is unused), providing flexibility to allow additional, suitable indoor clothing, rearranging furniture where possible to avoid direct drafts. Increased ventilation may make school buildings cooler than usual over the winter months. Consider allowing additional, suitable indoor items of clothing to be worn during the winter period in addition to the school’s current uniform. Where this occurs, schools should ensure that no extra financial pressure is placed on parents. staff aware BC 8.3.21
15.1.5  Heating should be used as necessary to ensure comfort levels are maintained particularly in occupied spaces. staff aware AB 8.3.21
15.2 Learning Outside      
15.2.1 Learning outside is encouraged wherever possible, following social distancing and hygiene guidelines.  Suggestions and Learning Outside the Classroom guides and advice can be found on Evolve. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
15.3 Medical Needs      
15.3.1 Staff should be made aware of any medical conditions / needs of the pupils they are caring for e.g. allergies, asthma etc. and devices such as epi pins and inhalers should be available wherever the pupil is. Ensure staff are trained in their use.    JS/Staff 8.3.21
15.3.2 Food allergies / intolerances information should be shared with catering staff for staff and children they may not already be aware of.    JS/Kitchen 8.3.21
15.4 Water fountains      
15.4.1 Water fountains in shared pupil areas should be taken out of use.    AB 8.3.21
  15.4.2 Water bottles can be filled up from the taps in classrooms by a member of staff so long as the water is potable (drinking) water. Sanitisation of hands and bottle before and after is required. For older pupils self re-filling can be undertaken under supervision. Schools should take steps to limit the use of single-use plastic water bottles. Staff aware BC 8.3.21
16.Educational Visits 16.1 From 12 April 2021 schools can resume educational day visits. From 17 May 2021 schools can resume domestic residential educational visits. Annex C of the Schools coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance sets out the conditions that should be met when planning and undertaking a residential educational visit as part of Step 3 of the roadmap out of lockdown along with the guidance for Hotels and other Guest Accommodation….  A new Sample Covid Specific Residential Risk Assessment and guidance has been produced and is available on Evolve. This should be completed along with any activity specific risk assessments for the visit. The government have advised that, given the complexities attached to international travel at this stage of the pandemic, schools should not go on any international visits this academic year up to and including 5 September 2021. The position beyond 5 September will be reviewed again in advance of Step 4. Staff aware BC 17.4.21
16.2 When visits can recommence they should be done in line with protective measures, such as keeping children within their consistent group, and the coronavirus (COVID-19) secure measures in place at the destination. Evolve and relevant risk assessments have been altered to reflect this. For domestic visits schools should complete the Day Visits risk assessment along with any venue specific assessments.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
16.3 From 12 April 2021 schools can resume making use of outdoor spaces in the local area. This should be done in line with protective measures, such as keeping children within their consistent group, and any coronavirus (COVID-19) secure measures in place at the destination. In such situations, pupils and staff should be able to safely adhere to social distancing with members of the public. Staff aware BC 17.4.21
16.4 From 8 August 2020, face coverings have been required by law to be worn in a greater number of public indoor settings including: museums, galleries, cinemas, places of worship, and public libraries. Face coverings do not need to be used by children under the age of 11 or those who may find it difficult to manage them correctly.… Staff aware BC 8.3.21
  17.1  it is still recommended that face coverings should be worn by staff and adult visitors in situations where social distancing between adults is not possible (for example, when moving around in corridors and communal areas). Children in primary school do not need to wear a face covering.  Transport - face coverings are required at all times on public and dedicated transport (for children over the age of 11).  Close contact - If staff have to work in close contact with pupils e.g. to supervise science experiments, D&T or Art activities, speech and language work, feeding,etc .. face shields or Perspex screens may be appropriate. Choice - Staff or pupils may still make an individual choice to wear an appropriate face covering or face mask they provide for themselves in areas outside those recommended by local or government guidance.  Community Settings - where schools are delivering education and training, including extra-curricular activities and wraparound childcare, in a community setting (for example, library or community centre), staff and pupils will be exempt from the legal requirement to wear a face covering if they are in a private room or the premises has been exclusively hired for the sole use of its pupils and staff. Face shields offer staff an additional level of protection when working in classrooms with pupils where face masks are not recommended by the government. Alternatively other transparent face coverings, which may assist communication with someone who relies on lip reading, clear sound or facial expression to communicate, can also be worn. There is currently very limited evidence regarding the effectiveness or safety of transparent face coverings, but they may be effective in reducing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Outside of classroom areas staff should wear face masks or other appropriate face coverings instead of, or in addition to, face shields,  unless there is a medical reason / it is identified in a risk assessment as to why a face shield is appropriate. Staff and pupils should also continue to wear face coverings where this is identified as a control measure in their individual risk assessment e.g WASP / IPRA Staff aware BC 8.3.21
17.2 Activities such as close intimate care e.g. nappy changing, invasive medical procedures, assisting with feeding necessitate closer contact with pupils.  Staff carrying out these activities should wear disposable gloves and aprons and may need IIR masks and eye protection. This would need to be assessed on a case by case basis.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
17.3 If PPE is identified as necessary for certain activities or staff through a risk assessment then this should be provided by the school.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
17.4 Reusable eye protection / face coverings should be thoroughly cleaned between each individual person being assisted.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
17.5 Advise staff who may get bodily fluids,  including spit, on their clothes from pupils to bring a change of clothes to work.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
  See Bulletin 07 - PPE and Bulletin 17 - PPE Ordering.  PPE can still be purchased via the PPE Team and the range of items available has extended.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
17.6 Amalgamated into 17.1 Staff aware BC 8.3.21
17.7 Safe wearing of face coverings requires cleaning of hands before and after touching – including to remove or put them on – and the safe storage of them in individual, sealable plastic bags between use. Where a face covering becomes damp, it should not be worn and the face covering should be replaced carefully.  Pupils must be instructed not to touch the front of their face covering during use or when removing it and they must dispose of temporary face coverings in a ‘black bag’ waste bin (not recycling bin) or place reusable face coverings in a plastic bag they can take home with them.   Staff aware BC 8.3.21
17.9 It is recommended that staff and pupils using face coverings have at least two available, in individual sealable plastic bags, to enable them to be changed throughout the day and be replaced if they become damp. Re-usable face coverings should be cleaned / washed regularly.  Staff aware BC 8.3.21
18.Staff Wellbeing  18.1 Consult with and involve staff in the setting up of individual school plans and systems as far as possible and discuss / share this risk assessment. As staff may feel anxious about being in school and the number of pupils on site arrange staff and 1:1 meetings where necessary to discuss concerns.    BC 8.3.21
18.2 Consider building in familiarisation time, training time and  practice time for staff before the school opens fully. Where staff have been out of school for a considerable time this may take longer.    BC 8.3.21
18.3 The Department for Education is providing additional support for both pupil and staff wellbeing in the current situation.…    BC 8.3.21
18.4 Consider if employee risk assessments need to be amended or new ones carried out for staff experiencing physical or mental health issues. A WASP is available via Leeds for Learning.   BC 8.3.21
18.5 It is recommended that regular staff meetings (via skype etc. or following social distancing rules) are undertaken with staff on site and that regular telephone, skype etc. communication is held with staff who are not present to maintain contact and assist wellbeing.    BC 8.3.21
18.6 Identify Mental Health First Aiders.   BC 8.3.21
18.7 Inform staff about support via Education Support Partnerships  and HELP Assist (for Community, VC and schools with a HR or H&S SLA).    BC 8.3.21
      BC 8.3.21
  Guidance on Staff Wellbeing is available on Leeds for Learning.    BC 8.3.21
19.Contractors visiting site  19.1 Minimise visits to wherever possible to essential visits only e.g. to carry out statutory testing, repair work or building works. Where visits can happen outside of school hours, they should.   AB/JS 8.3.21
19.2 Contractors should provide their risk assessments and discuss additional needs with the school prior to visiting.    AB/JS 8.3.21
19.3 Contractors should adhere to social distancing guidelines and wear face masks or appropriate face coverings whilst on site.     AB/JS 8.3.21
19.4 Contractors to carry out regular handwashing or hand sanitising, especially on arrival at the school and throughout their time on site.    AB/JS 8.3.21
19.5 If contractors need supervising this should be done following social distancing guidelines.    AB/JS 8.3.21
19.6 Contractors to follow Government guidelines on self isolating if they or their family members display any symptoms.    AB/JS 8.3.21
19.7 If contractors display any symptoms whilst on site they should be asked to leave immediately and any areas / equipment they have been working in / on isolated for 72 hours or thoroughly cleaned prior to admitting other persons / being used.    AB/JS 8.3.21
19.8 If contractors are on site for long periods of time a separate toilet facility could be identified for their sole use and cleaned after their work has ceased and before being used by the school again. If this can't be established then inform contractors of the “If You Use It – Wipe It” principle.   AB/JS 8.3.21
19.9 School should still follow procedures for controlling access / security whilst contractors are on site. Where visits can happen outside of school or college hours, they should. A record should be kept of all visitors for at least 14 days.    AB/JS 8.3.21
20.Lettings / Meetings / Visitors 20.1 There will be occasions when visits to the setting are necessary, but settings  should limit these to essential visits only to avoid visitors entering their premises, wherever possible and use remote means. Visits that allow a vulnerable child to meet a social worker, key worker or other necessary support should continue on site. Visits for SEND therapies should also continue on site. Lettings should only continue if the activities are in line with those permitted under the lockdown. Professional visitors and lettings should provide you with their own Covid 19 control measures before coming on site. Ensure your own on site guidance on physical distancing, hygiene, face coverings and control measures are explained to visitors on or before arrival.  Face masks or appropriate face coverings should be worn by visitors whilst on site.    BC/JS 8.3.21
20.2 In instances where settings need to use other essential professionals such as social workers, speech and language therapists or counsellors, or other professionals to support delivery of a child’s EHC plan, settings should assess whether the professionals need to attend in person or can do so virtually. Any meetings / lettings should only go ahead if social distancing and hygiene rules can be adhered to.  Supply teachers, peripatetic teachers or other temporary staff can move between settings. They should ensure they minimise contact and maintain as much distance as possible from other staff. They can also participate in schools’ rapid testing programmes where these have been established and the school has capacity to include them.     BC 8.3.21
20.3 A separate toilet facility could be identified for the sole use of visitors whilst on site as close as possible to the area of work / their access point into the building and cleaned after their time on site has ceased and before being used by the school again. If this can't be established then inform visitors of the “If You Use It – Wipe It” principle. There is a legal requirement to provided hygiene facilities for drivers visiting the site e.g. Delivery drivers, minibus drivers.  Toilet areas will be cleaned down after visitor use. AB/BC 8.3.21
20.4 School should still follow procedures for controlling access / security whilst visitors are on site. Where visits can happen outside of school or college hours, they should. A record should be kept of all visitors for at least 14 days. .   JS/AB/BC 8.3.21
20.5 Sports lettings are currently restricted under the new lockdown requirements and can only take place if for elite sportspeople (and their coaches if necessary, or parents/guardians if they are under 18) - or those on an official elite sports pathway - to compete and train. From 29th March 2021 ‘organised sports’ can take place outside so schools can also re-commence lettings to such groups. ‘Organised’ sport, is one which is formally organised by a qualified instructor, club, national governing body, company or charity and follows sport-specific guidance. They must provide their own risk assessment and follow the guidelines laid down by their National Governing Body that have to be submitted and approved by the Government. Players should arrive changed and shower at home. If changing rooms and showers are closed exceptions may be made where safety and safeguarding measures require their use, e.g. supporting disability athletes, a child needs a change of clothing etc.. Toilets can be accessed.  Guidance and a list of NGB whose rules have been approved can be found in : Coronavirus (COVID-19): grassroots sports guidance for safe provision including team sport, contact combat sport and organised sport events - GOV.UK ( From 12 April 2021 lettings can be extended to include indoor disability sport activities and indoor supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s (including those who were under 18 on 31 August 2020 and should be limited to 15 participants). From 17th May 2021 indoor adult group sports and exercise classes are also allowed. Indoor sport is exempt from the gathering limits for adults and children where it is formally organised (for example, by a national governing body, business or charity) and follows measures including COVID-secure guidance. Exercise classes and group activities can resume in any number, provided they are organised (for example, by a qualified coach or instructor). Group activities should be organised to allow for social distancing, wherever possible. These activities must adhere to the relevant capacity restrictions for indoor sport facilities including allowing a minimum of 100sqft per person for all people in the venue.  Indoor informal or self-organised sport can only take place within the rules on social contact - in groups of up to 6 people, or 2 households.   JS/BC 8.3.21
21.Pupil Wellbeing  21.1 Guidance is available on Leeds for Learning for pupil wellbeing       
22.Fire safety 22.1 Consider if the fire evacuation routes need to be altered to take into account the changed use of the site.    JS/AB/BC 8.3.21
22.2 Consider if  muster points / practices need to be altered so staff and pupils bubbles are not mixed.    JS/AB/BC 8.3.21
22.3 Consider if you need to re-allocate fire marshal roles.    JS/AB/BC 8.3.21
22.4 Ensure staff know how to use fire extinguishers, where call points are etc.   Training video shared BC Sep-20
22.5 Practice new procedures as soon as possible after opening and carry out emergency drills as normal (following social distancing as appropriate). Adjustments should be made to fire drills to allow for social distancing where possible.    JS/AB/BC 8.3.21
22.6 Consider if staff and pupil PEEPs need to be amended.    BC 8.3.21
22.7 If changes are made to the current Fire Evacuation Management Plan and staff re-trained this should be added to your Fire Risk Assessment as an interim measure and a sheet attached marked “Interim Amendments to procedures in relation to COVID-19”.  LCC sample Fire Risk Assessment has a page in the appendices for interim changes to be noted rather than rewriting sections.    JS 8.3.21
23.Supervision at Lunchtimes 23.1 Consider how to allocate staff at lunchtime to ensure supervisors stay with a limited number of groups of pupils and have adequate breaks.    BC/DH 8.3.21
24.Catering 24.1 Inform catering staff of any changes made from this risk assessment e.g. to entry / exit points, fire safety procedures, safeguarding etc.. none required    
24.2 Discuss with catering staff if there needs to be alterations to menu choices and systems to allow for quicker / easier distribution to pupils / flow through collection points. E.g. limiting meal choices (taking onto account specific dietary and allergy needs), provision of 'packed lunches' instead of hot meals.     BC 8.3.21
24.3 Consider whether meals can be served in the hall or need to be delivered to classrooms and discuss this with catering staff. LCC catering can provide hot and cold grab bags which can be served to pupils in their classrooms for schools using their services and this may be possible for other catering teams to do.    BC 8.3.21
24.4 Where possible catering staff should remain in the kitchen / serving hall and use an entrance / exit as close to the kitchen as possible. Catering staff should be informed they must inform the school if there are any positive cases amongst staff on site and schools should report this using the PCIF01 form.    BC 8.3.21
24.5 Tables / seating set out by catering staff should be cleaned before pupils and staff use them and in between each group of staff and pupils.    Kitchen Staff/DH 8.3.21
24.6 Catering staff should observe the rules of social distancing and hygiene whilst on site. LCC Catering staff may be wearing face masks due to constraints of social distancing and food hygiene. LCC catering staff are allowed to use alcohol based hand sanitisers.    BC 8.3.21
25.Staff Training 25.1 School staff should be inducted / become familiar with new working practices before opening the school, this is especially important for staff members who are new or who may not have been in school during the past months. See also 2.1 Staff familiar with routines as were in place up to Christmas. BC 8.3.21
26. Drop off of Essential Items Forgotten by Pupils 26.1 A system should be put in place for the potential drop off of essential items a pupil may have forgotten e.g. medication, packed lunch. For example, a system such as a 'quarantine bin' / area outside of school reception where the items are left before being cleaned / wiped with anti-viral wipes and delivered to the pupils base.  Staff doing this should thoroughly wash hands before and after handling the items.   Parents aware of procedure (Same as before Christmas) BC 8.3.21
  27.8 Transport to swimming pools will be in separate bubbles, once swimming lessons resume   BC 8.3.21
27.9 In accordance with advice from PHE, it is recommend that schools advise children and young people aged 11 and over to wear a face covering when travelling on dedicated transport. This does not apply to people who are exempt from wearing a face covering on public transport.  Y6 staff to remind children Y6 staff 8.3.21
29. Marking / Handling School Work  28.1 Staff can take books and other shared resources home if they can be cleaned. If not, or if work is to be marked, staff can wash hands or sanitise before handling / marking work, at regular intervals throughout and after completing handling / marking. Alternatively resources and marking could be left for at least 48 hours (72 hours for plastic) before and after handling / marking.  It is recommended that paper work to be marked is placed in a plastic bag that can be wiped down after collection of work and before handing work back to the pupils. Other suggestions for assessed work include the use of online or electronic assessments or individual worksheets for assessed work so the pupils can retain their exercise books for lessons. Face shields / masks could be used for immediate close contact feedback and visualizers may also help. If pupils or staff have been displaying symptoms any work they have handled during that time should be left for at least 48 hours (72 if plastic).    BC 8.3.21
30. Agency staff and volunteers 30.1 Mixing of volunteers across bubbles should be kept to a minimum, and they should remain 2 metres from pupils and staff where possible. We have no volunteers at present.  We'll keep under review BC 8.3.21
30.2 Settings can continue to engage supply teachers and other supply staff during this period.  To minimise the numbers of temporary staff entering the setting consider using longer assignments with supply teachers.  You should also limit the bubbles they teach or limit them to bubbles where they can socially distance as far as possible.   This would also apply to other temporary staff working in schools such as peripatetic teachers, sports coaches, and before and after school clubs staff.   JS/BC 8.3.21
31. Before and after school clubs 31.1 From 12 April, in line with the commencement of step 2 of the COVID-19 response – spring 2021, before and after school clubs, holiday clubs, wraparound care and extra curricular activities can be offered to all children, without restriction on the reasons for which they may attend. Both indoor and outdoor activities are now able to take place.   BC 17.4.21
31.2 Settings should try to keep to the bubbles in use during the school day where possible. Where it is not possible, or it is impractical to group children in the same bubbles as they are in during the school day - for example, if only one or two children are attending wraparound provision from the same school day bubble - schools and external providers may need to group children with others from outside their school day bubble or from a different school, where children from multiple schools are attending provision. If schools or external providers need to do this, they should seek to keep children in small, consistent groups with the same children each time, as far as this is possible. Smaller consistent groups could be used in different rooms or groups socially distancing in a larger space e.g. the hall. If necessary, it would be appropriate for one staff member to supervise up to two small groups, provided that any relevant ratio requirements are met. The relevant guidance on face coverings in section 17 should be followed depending on the age of children attending. From 17 May 2021 provision taking place indoors and outdoors can be in groups of any number. It remains important to continue to minimise mixing between children, where possible. This can be achieved by continuing to keep children in consistent groups every time they attend the setting. Smaller groups should be considered when it is not possible to do this. When considering appropriate group sizes it will be important to take into account factors such as the recommended occupancy levels of the premises you are operating from and levels of ventilation. For example, guidance for providers of grassroots sport and sport facilities recommends that the maximum occupancy of an indoor facility should be limited by providing a minimum of 100sqft per person. Play Academy will use Year groupings for children with them. BC 8.3.21
31.3 Make parents / carers aware that government guidance is that they limit the number of different wraparound providers they access, as far as possible, and assure themselves that the providers are carefully considering their own protective measures, and only use those providers that can demonstrate this.    BC 8.3.21
31.4 Schools should follow the principles in the school guidance and holiday and after school club guidance for extra curricular activities and clubs : 1) keeping children in the same bubbles they are in during the school day, 2) if this is not possible - keeping children in consistent bubbles for these activities, 3) limiting the number of after school activities a pupil attends,  4) carrying out activities outside where possible.  Music, performing arts, dance and sporting activities should be carried out in line with sections 32 and 33 below.    BC/JS 17.4.21
32. Music and Performing Arts - for detailed guidance follow… 32.1 Schools should take particular care in music, dance and drama lessons to observe social distancing where possible. This may limit group activity in these subjects in terms of numbers in each group. It will also prevent physical correction by teachers and contact between pupils in dance and drama. Singing and playing wind and brass instruments do not currently appear to represent a significantly higher risk than routine speaking and breathing at the same volume. However,  there is now evidence that additional risk can build from aerosol transmission with volume and with the combined numbers of individuals within a confined space. This is particularly evident for singing and shouting loudly, but with appropriate safety mitigation and consideration, singing, wind and brass teaching can still take place. From 17 May 2021 schools can host indoor and outdoor face to face performances in front of a live audience. If planning an indoor or outdoor face-to-face performance in front of a live audience, schools
should follow the latest advice in the working safely during COVID-19 in the performing arts guidance, which provides details of how to manage audiences as well as carry out performing arts safely. If planning an outdoor performance schools should also give particular consideration to the guidance on delivering outdoor events.
Consider still using alternatives such as live streaming and recording
performances, subject to the usual safeguarding considerations and parental permission. Government has also published advice on safer singing…
  BC 8.3.21
32.2 Singing, wind and brass playing should not take place in larger groups such as choirs and ensembles, or assemblies unless significant space, natural airflow and strict social distancing and mitigation can be maintained as detailed in 32.3.   BC 8.3.21
32.3 Playing instruments and singing in the smaller groups permitted should take place outdoors wherever possible.  If indoors, use a room with as much space as possible, for example, larger rooms; rooms with high ceilings are expected to enable dilution of aerosol transmission. If playing indoors, limiting the numbers to account for ventilation of the space and the ability to social distance. It is important to ensure good ventilation. Schools should observe strict social distancing between each singer and player, and between singers and players, and any other people such as conductors, other musicians, or accompanists. Current guidance is that if the activity is face-to-face and without mitigating actions, 2 metres is appropriate. Mitigating factors include :  Pupils and staff  being positioned back-to-back or side-to-side when playing or singing (rather than face-to-face, positioning wind and brass players so that the air from their instrument does not blow into another player, use of microphones where possible or encouraging singing quietly. Additionally, schools should keep any background or accompanying music to levels which do not encourage persons to raise their voices unduly. Keep the activity time involved as short as possible and it is recommended individuals are seated rather than standing to help maintain social distancing.   BC 8.3.21
32.4 Schools that offer specialist, elite provision in music, dance and drama should also consider the DCMS guidance on the performing arts.…   BC 8.3.21
32.5 Avoid sharing instruments and equipment wherever possible. Place name labels on equipment to help identify the designated user, for example, percussionists’ own sticks and mallets.
If instruments and equipment have to be shared, disinfect regularly (including any packing cases, handles, props, chairs, microphones and music stands) and always between users. Pick up and drop off collection points should be created where possible, rather than passing equipment such as props, scripts, scores and microphones hand-to-hand. Limit handling of music scores, parts and scripts to the individual using them.
Instruments should be cleaned by the pupils playing them, wherever possible. Schools can continue to engage peripatetic teachers during this period, including staff from music education hubs. Peripatetic teachers can move between schools, for instance, but schools should consider how to minimise the number of visitors where possible. In addition, in individual lessons for music, dance and drama, social distancing should be maintained wherever possible, meaning teachers should not provide physical correction. Individual lessons in music, dance and drama can continue in schools and organisations providing out of school childcare. This may mean teachers interacting with pupils from multiple groups, so you will need to take particular care, in line with the measures on peripatetic teachers.
If there is no viable alternative, music lessons in private homes can resume, following the same guidelines, and additionally following the government guidance for working in homes, and the guidance for out-of-school provision. 
  BC 8.3.21
  32.6 Consider limiting the number of suppliers when hiring instruments and equipment. You should agree whose responsibility cleaning hired instruments is with the suppliers. Clean hire equipment, tools or other equipment on arrival and before first use. Use. Equipment and instruments should be stored in a clean location if you take delivery of them before they are needed, and they should be cleaned before first use and before returning the instrument. We only use Artforms and instruments stay in school for the academic year. BC 8.3.21
33. PE / Sports including dance.  33.1 Schools can hold PE lessons indoors, including those that involve activities related to team sports, for example practising specific techniques, within their own system of controls. For sport provision, outdoor sports should be prioritised where possible, and large indoor spaces used where it is not, maximising natural ventilation flows (through opening windows and doors or using air conditioning systems wherever possible) distancing between pupils and paying scrupulous attention to cleaning and hygiene. This is particularly important in a sports setting because of the way in which people breathe during exercise. External facilities can also be used in line with government guidance for the use of, and travel to and from, those facilities. Pupils should be kept in consistent groups. Sports equipment that has been touched / handled should be cleaned between groups and pupils and staff should clean their hands before and after activities.  Alternately you can rota use so it is not used for 72 hours between groups. Hand sanitiser would be useful to use regularly during sporting activities.    BC 8.3.21
33.2 Schools have the flexibility to decide how physical education, sport and physical activity will be provided whilst following the measures in their system of controls.
Sports whose national governing bodies have developed guidance under the principles of the government’s guidance on team sport and been approved by the government are permitted. Where schools are considering team sports schools only those sports whose national governing bodies have developed guidance under the principles of the government’s guidance on team sport and been approved by the government should be considered.…. Both outdoor and indoor competition between different schools can now take place and should be organised in line with the above guidance. 
  BC 17.4.21
33.3 External facilities can also be used in line with government guidance for the use of, and travel to and from those facilities.    BC 8.3.21
33.4 PE, sport and physical activity provided by schools to their own pupils under their systems of control can continue. This includes sports clubs or activities before or after school, in addition to their regular PE lessons for those pupils eligible to attend school. Schools are able to work with external coaches, clubs and organisations for curricular and extra-curricular activities where they are satisfied that it is safe to do so. Schools should consider carefully how such arrangements can operate within their wider protective measures.   BC 8.3.21
33.5 To minimise close contact in changing rooms settings may wish to consider allowing pupils to wear PE kits on the days they are doing PE or coming to school / going home in PE kits if lessons are near the beginning or end of the day. Where this is not possible / practicable e.g. cold weather, other activities on the same day that require more of the body to be covered, ensure pupils have cooled down prior to changing to minimise changing whilst still sweating / breathing heavily.    BC 8.3.21
33.6 Amalgamated into 33.3      
33.7 PE - there is additional advice available in the following two documents found on L4L and Evolve for additional controls that may be needed for PE if these have not already been assessed.
AfPE – Interpreting the government guidance in a PESSA context.…
YST  - PE COVID Response – delivery principles (contains  wellbeing element for both primary & secondary).  Swimming -
WO has documentation on safe PE BC 8.3.21
34. Science and D&T  34.1 CLEAPSS have extensive guidance on lesson delivery with Covid 19 controls (which is being updated at present)   BC 8.3.21
35. Shared Resources  35.1 General - Resources that are shared between classes or bubbles, such as sports, art and science equipment should be cleaned meticulously between bubbles, or rotated to allow them to be left unused for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastics) between use by different bubbles.   BC 8.3.21
35.2 General - Minimise, or remove altogether, soft toys, soft decorations e.g. hanging displays in classrooms and other more difficult to keep clean equipment.  Other equipment that is kept for the sole use of a discreet group of staff and pupils can be cleaned at the end of the day, but keep to a minimum.  Settings will need to make an assessment of the cleanability of equipment used in the delivery of therapies (for example. physiotherapy equipment, sensory equipment), to determine whether this equipment can withstand cleaning and disinfection between each use (and how easy or practical it would be to do so) before it is put back into general use. Where cleaning or disinfection is not possible or practical, resources will have to be restricted to one user, or be left unused for a period of 48 hours (72 hours for plastics) between use by different individuals. The exception to this would be a piece of equipment such as a weighted blanket that is required for a specific sensory need. The risks generated by removing this support could potentially be greater than the risk of infection.  Such equipment should remain solely for the use of one bubble and be washed at the end of every day.   BC 8.3.21
35.3 Staff Rooms - Consider stopping the use of shared resources such as fridges, milk, tea, coffee etc. to minimise touch points and advise staff to bring their own provisions in (in a cool bag if food needs to be kept cold).  There are shared resources.  Individual members of staff should clean down after use. BC 8.3.21
35.4 Play equipment -  Indoor and outdoor play equipment should be more frequently cleaned. This would also apply to resources used inside and outside by wraparound care providers. If it cannot easily be cleaned after each bubble use throughout the day or kept for one bubble at all times you could consider allocating specific equipment to a specific bubble on a daily rota basis. Strict hand hygiene is essential if equipment is shared and users must wash their hands before and after using outdoor play equipment and maintain social distancing where possible.    BC 8.3.21
35.5 Classroom resources - For individual and very frequently used equipment, such as pencils and pens, it is recommended that staff and pupils have their own items that are not shared. Classroom based resources, such as books and games, can be used and shared within the bubble; these should be cleaned regularly, along with all frequently touched surfaces. Reduce the use of shared resources e.g. stationary, books etc. . and allocate individual resources to pupils wherever possible. It is still recommended that children and young people limit the amount of equipment they bring into the setting each day, to essentials such as lunch boxes, hats, coats, books, stationery and mobile phones. Bags are allowed. Pupils and teachers can take books and other shared resources home, although unnecessary sharing should be avoided, especially where this does not contribute to pupil education and development. Similar rules on hand cleaning, cleaning of the resources and rotation should apply to these resources.   BC 8.3.21
35.6 Early Years - Shared materials and surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected more frequently.  Malleable materials for messy play can be used provided they can be handled by a consistent group of children of and that no one else outside this group can come into contact with it. Alternatively single user alternatives can be used. The malleable material for messy play (for example sand/water/mud) must be able to be used and cleaned - including being replaced - regularly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, where applicable. Children and staff should wash their hands thoroughly before and after messy play. Frequently touched surfaces, equipment, tools and resources for messy play should be thoroughly cleaned and dried before they are used by a different group.. Consider the rotation of resources to limit what needs to be cleaned on a daily basis and to allow access to a range of activities.    BC 8.3.21
35.7 Pupils can take resources e.g. library books, home as long as they are quarantined for 48 hours (72 if plastic) on their return if they cannot be cleaned.    BC 8.3.21
36. Record Keeping  36.1 Good record keeping is key to managing any potential positive cases and / or outbreaks.    BC/Office 8.3.21
36.2 Records should be kept of pupils and staff in each bubble, and any close contact that takes places between pupils and staff in different groups. Records of visitors, agency staff, volunteers etc.. and who they have been working with should also be kept. In order to keep this proportionate you can utilise existing recording practices e.g. class / lesson registers, signing in / out systems, meeting registers, training records, physical intervention records and first aid records. Schools do not need to ask pupils to record everyone they have spent time with each day or ask staff to keep definitive records in a way that is overly burdensome.   Office 8.3.21
36.3 PPA time - should be carried out by members of same bubble whenever possible If this isn’t possible, BC or DO'H should be made aware. BC 8.3.21
36.4 It is good practice to record cases where pupils and staff are symptomatic or test positive / negative as this will help identify close contacts if needed and whether there is a potential outbreak.  CPOMs could be used for this for pupils and / or a simple spreadsheet for staff and pupils. A sample one is provided on LfL.    JS/Office 8.3.21
36.5 A record should be kept of which staff have assisted pupils or staff who are displaying symptoms.  This could be via first aid records or could be added to the simple spreadsheet if used.  Staff MUST inform the office if they have been in the isolation room with a child  Office 8.3.21
37. Use of school minibuses / transport e.g. for visits, transfer between settings, emergencies 37.1 The approach to minibus / coach / private vehicle transport should align as far as possible with the principles underpinning the system of controls set out in this document and with the approach being adopted for your setting. It is important to consider:  a) how pupils are grouped together on transport, where possible this should reflect the bubbles that are adopted within the setting, b) additional cleaning of vehicles, c) organised queuing and boarding where possible and distancing within vehicles wherever possible, d) passengers cleaning their hands before boarding and after disembarking (putting sanitiser on whilst on board could cause spillages and slip hazards), d) drivers and escorts regularly hand sanitising throughout the journey and after tasks such as helping a child board or handling a child's belongings, e) boarding the transport 'first in last out' and allocating specific seats where possible, f) maximising the ventilation of fresh air particularly through opening windows and vents, g) avoiding the use of face to face seating on home to school transport wherever possible and h) the use of face coverings for children 11 and over.
Children should be encouraged to carry tissues on home to school transport. These will need to be disposed of in a covered bin. Where it is not possible to have a bin on board, schools should have a suitable disposal process on arrival, in line with their process for disposing of face coverings.     
Swimming will be fore individual bubbles only BC 8.3.21
37.2 If the use of private vehicles or car sharing is unavoidable / necessary the following should be considered : a) sharing the transport with the same people each time, b) minimising the group size at any one time, c) opening windows for ventilation, d) travelling side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow facing away from each other, e) considering seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle, f) cleaning the  car between journeys using standard cleaning products especially making sure door handles and other areas that people may touch are cleaned, and g) drivers and passengers wearing face coverings.  This should only be done in exceptional circumstances and only with direct permission from BC or DO'H BC 8.3.21
  38 No end of Key Stage testing will take place in Summer 2021      
39. Asymptomatic Testing  39.1 An asymptomatic lateral flow device testing programme has been put in place in the school.    BC 8.3.21
39.2 Staff are encouraged to take part in the programme and provided with information, guidance and the opportunity to discuss any issues / concerns and raise questions.    BC 8.3.21
39.4 Sections 3 of this risk assessment are being followed by the school and staff taking part.       
                 CALVERLEY CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Managing Covid 19 in Schools from 8th March 2021 opening - Risk Assessment - Version 15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  Section 4 - Home Mass Asymptomatic Testing for Primary and Nursery Settings - daily serial testing for close contacts is not to be undertaken at the present time unless part of the NHS evaluation programme. 
Copyright © of Leeds City Council 2021. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of this document for commercial purposes or gain, whether by electronic means or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner, is prohibited. 
Area of control Control Measures Additional / altered measures / notes Implemented  by : Initial Date Completed
Primary and School Nursery Settings - currently limited to twice weekly staff home tests. Guidance and Resources are available on the Primary School Portal - a link is available on the Leeds for Learning Health, safety and Wellbeing Home page.   Through schools where the Primary / Nursery and Secondary bases are on the same site should follow the Secondary schools testing process if safe access is available to the Secondary testing area.  If based on separate sites the Primary / Nursery process should be followed. 
PT1. Organising the testing system.  1.1 Staff should be provided with the school amended letter for staff and privacy notice (on the Primary schools portal),  information leaflet, time to watch the how to test video and access to the relevant materials on the primary schools portal to enable them to make an informed decision regarding consent for weekly testing. .It is recommended this is done as a group in staff meetings to give a consistent message and it could be done via a virtual staff meeting with time during / after fro staff to ask questions / raise any issues or concerns. As this may involve large groups of staff and be of some length it is recommended this is not done face to face to minimise the risk of transmission / potential contacts.    BC 8.3.21
1.2 Staff should be informed that if they consent to testing they must carry out the testing at the time agreed with the school, follow the instructions in the test kit, must not give the test kits to anyone else and must upload their results and inform the school as soon as possible   BC 8.3.21
1.3 Identify and record which staff  have given consent to carry out twice weekly testing. Staff should be encouraged to undertake testing as it is an additional control measure on top of those already in place, however, consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn by the individual at any time and they should not be directed to or forced to take the tests. Staff attending school who do not consent to the test can still attend school as normal if they do not have symptoms of Coved - 19.   BC 8.3.21
1.4 Set up a system of recording the distribution of test packs and the results of testing carried out.    BC 8.3.21
1.5 One or more COVID-19 co-ordinators school be identified and they may need to be supported by a separate Registration Assistant. The roles each person will carry out should be identified and should include :     BC 8.3.21
a) who is communicating with staff and addressing any personal issues / concerns with regards to testing they may have.   BC 8.3.21
b) who is distributing the correct number of kits to staff, ensuring staff have the right instructions and are signing for the test kits.   BC 8.3.21
c) who is the point of contact for staff if they have incidents whilst testing at home and who is reporting any incidents and overseeing the process.  The incident form in the "How to Guide - Primary Schools EY LFD Testing" document could be used.    BC 8.3.21
d) who is receiving, recording and collating tests results including reporting any positive results to DCS Alert via the PCIF 01 form.    BC 8.3.21
e) who is managing the storage, stock control and re-ordering of test kits.    BC 8.3.21
1.6 It is recommended staff undertaking testing are made aware of who has responsibility for each of these roles so they can report results and raise any issues / questions with the appropriate person.    BC 8.3.21
1.7 Set up a collection point in school for the distribution of the test packs - this should be a big enough space to allow social distancing for the numbers permitted to enter the space at any one time and be able to be secured to prevent unauthorised access e.g. the staff room.  The temperature of the area should be between 2’C and 30’C .  For schools with a screened reception desk with a secure office space this may be a suitable option so kits can be handed out via the screen.    BC 8.3.21
1.8 The lot numbers of the testing kits provided should be recorded on arrival.    BC 8.3.21
PT 2. Storage and management of Testing Materials / Supplies for the Testing area.  2.1 Testing kits should be stored between 2’C and 30’C.   BC 8.3.21
2.2 Storage areas should be lockable and access restricted to authorised personnel only.    BC 8.3.21
2.3 Checks of supplies should be regularly undertaken to ensure there are adequate supplies of all relevant materials for the testing to be undertaken and stocks re-ordered as required.   BC 8.3.21
PT 3. Issuing tests 3.1 The tests should only be offered to staff who attend the school setting and not those working from home.  Staff are expected to sign for the receipt of their test kits.    BC 8.3.21
3.2  If you have regular contracted staff, therapists, volunteers on site e.g. cleaners and caterers, peripatetic teachers etc..  you could include them in your testing offer if the amount of kits you have been provided with allows for this. This would need to be done in consultation with the contractors /  managers and test results would need to be shared between both parties. Those persons would be expected to follow the same procedures as your own staff.    BC 8.3.21
3.3 All staff consenting to testing should test twice a week as the tests work best when there is a high viral load. This will apply to part time and full time staff.    BC 8.3.21
3.4 It is recommended staff are given time slots for the collection of their test kits to avoid staff congregating in the area. You may wish to allocate a member of staff to deliver the testing kits to staff in where they are based.  Staff distributing / collecting test kits must wear face masks / face coverings, maintain a 2m distance and hand sanitise before / after handling kits.    BC 8.3.21
3.5 When issuing test kits the issuer must complete the test kit log - see record keeping below.    BC 8.3.21
3.6 Test kits should be issued with the most up to date Instructions for Use leaflet (at this current time test kits may not have the most up to instructions included) .  It is recommended staff are also sent a copy of this electronically and it is placed on the schools internal system (if there is one) so staff can still access the instructions if they loose the leaflet.    BC 8.3.21
PT 4. Conducting the Tests 4.1 Tests should be taken twice a week at intervals of 3 or 4 days apart. Consider identifying set days for staff to undertake their tests.  It is recommended one of the days is the first day they are in school each week / the day before. This may mean the same set day for all staff or different set days depending on the working patterns of staff.  FKS/KS1/Office/Kitchen/SLT Mon & Thur; all other staff Tue & Fri BC 8.3.21
4.2 Consider the time consenting staff will take the test. This may be : a)  in the morning to minimise the chance of being exposed to Coved after taking the test   or   (b) late afternoon / evening to enable time for the school to take action re close contacts / manage absences in the event of a positive LFT and for staff to have the time to re-take a test if they get void results.    BC 8.3.21
4.3 Staff that have had a positive PCR test in the last 90 days are exempt from taking a LFD test in the 90 day period after the PCR test. Full guidance for how this could be applied retrospectively can be found in Bulletin 06 2021. Staff that have had the Covid-19 vaccine can still take part in the LFT programme.    BC 8.3.21
4.4 The LFD test kits should be stored between 2’C and 30’C. However the devices and reagents must be used between 15 ̊C and 30 ̊C during use so if they are stored somewhere colder than 15 ̊C they should be moved to a room temperature area for around 30 minutes before
  BC 8.3.21
4.5 Staff  should : a) wait at least 30 minutes after eating or drinking anything before starting the test.    BC 8.3.21
b) Not start their test if they have had a nosebleed in the last 24 hours - if this is the case they should inform the school and take a test when the 24 hours has elapsed if possible bearing in mind the need to take the 2 tests 3 / 4 days apart. If only one nostril has bled they can swab the other one.    BC 8.3.21
c) Swab the other nostril if they have a nose piercing or, if both nostrils are pierced, remove the jewellery first.    BC 8.3.21
d) Swab both nostrils if they cannot take a throat swab e.g. they have had a tracheostomy.    BC 8.3.21
e) Wash their hands or hand sanitise before taking the test.    BC 8.3.21
f) Use a clean, flat surface and, if doing more than one test, make sure they sanitise their hands each time.    BC 8.3.21
g) Time the test and check their results at the 30 minute point as tests results are invalid if left any longer.    BC 8.3.21
4.6 If a test result is Inconclusive / Void the individual should take another LFT as soon as possible using a new test kit but not reusing anything from the first kit. If both tests are void the member of staff should arrange to have a PCR test.   BC 8.3.21
4.7 The testing solution is not toxic in the quantities provided and any spillages should be cleaned with a paper towel. If the solution included the throat and nose sample, the area should be appropriately disinfected using household disinfectant.   BC 8.3.21
4.8 As soon as possible after a positive or negative result staff should upload their results to the NHS online at  or by contacting 119. They must also inform the school via the identified route / at the identified time.    BC 8.3.21
4.9 Staff should report any issues with testing to the school e.g. unable to take the test, missing / broken / damaged items, unable to log results with NHS, void results.  The school can monitor and / or then raise this with DfE helpline or 119 as identified in the How to Guide page 17.    BC 8.3.21
PT 5.  Test results and actions to take 5.1 Positive result - individual and their household should start self isolation straight away and the individual should get a PCR test to confirm the result.   BC 8.3.21
5.2 Only a very small proportion of people who do not have coronavirus will receive a positive result (false positive) from a LFT.  For this reason household contact isolation and the tracing and isolation of close contacts of the positive case should take place at the point of a positive LFT and should not wait for the PCR test result.     BC 8.3.21
5.3 If the PCR test is taken within 2 days of the LFD test and is negative the individual, household and close contacts can end isolation unless they have symptoms of Covid 19.    BC 8.3.21
5.4 Negative result - individual and household can continue as normal unless they have symptoms of Covid-19.    BC 8.3.21
5.5 Inconclusive / Void result  the individual should take another LFT as soon as possible using a new test kit but not reusing anything from the first kit. Relevant action will then be taken when a positive / negative result is obtained. If both tests are void the member of staff should arrange to have a PCR test. They do not need to isolate whilst awaiting the results if they are asymptomatic.    BC 8.3.21
PT 6. Record keeping / Reporting. 6.1 Schools must keep records of : a) the consent forms and any withdrawal of consent, b) the test kits distributed (a test kit log) including staff signatures on collection and c) their own records of the results of tests.    BC 8.3.21
6.2 Records must be kept in accordance with GDPR requirements.    BC 8.3.21
6.3 The test kit log and the test results register / log must be separate documents. There are samples of each in the templates section of the Primary School Portal. Schools can amend and tailor these to their own needs provided they still contain the data identified in the samples.    BC 8.3.21
6.4 The data in the LFD test kit log should not be kept in the log for longer than 12 months from the date on which it is collected. Please note that the Department of Health and Social Care may request data from the test kit log at any time within the 12 month period.  The test results register should be kept for a month after the last entry.    BC 25.4.21
6.5 All positive results (even where a confirmatory PCR test is negative) should be reported as usual via the PCIF 01 Form to DCS Alert ([email protected]).    BC 8.3.21
PT 7. Waste Disposal 7.1 Tests can be disposed of in the waste bags provided in the test kit and then put in with the general household waste.    BC 8.3.21
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                  Managing Covid 19 in Schools from 8th March 2021 opening - Risk Assessment - V5.09 -   Section 5 Indoor and Outdoor Events
Copyright © of Leeds City Council 2021. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of this document for commercial purposes or gain, whether by electronic means or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner, is prohibited.           
Area of control Control Measures Additional / altered measures / notes Implemented  by : Initial Date Completed
E1 - General controls for all events.  1.1 Consider your local community / school Covid prevelance trends in deciding whether to hold an event. Consider if a number of smaller events would be safer / easier to manage than one larger one. Pupils and staff should remain in their bubbles, and early years children and staff should remain in their consistent groups as is usual for your setting.  Al staff aware BC 21//6/21
1.2 Carry out events outdoors wherever possible. If indoors, use a large well ventilated space. A marquee (or similar structure) is classed as outdoors if at least 50%  All satff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.3 The event must follow the national guidance on social gatherings. For indoor events – groups of no more than 6 people (or 2 households) are allowed. Multiple groups can attend but must be kept separate at all times. For outdoor events groups of up to 30 people are allowed.  Multiple groups can attend but must be kept separate at all times.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.4 Calculations for capacity should ensure that there is adequate space to enable individual within groups to maintain 2m social distance if they wish.  Indoors, wherever possible, social distancing should be maintained between people who do not live together  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.5 An event cannot take place if it is unlikely that social distancing between groups of attendees can be maintained, or if other relevant COVID-secure requirements below cannot be met. Al staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.6 If the event takes place during the normal school day visitors / attendees must be kept separate from staff and pupils that are not part of the event.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.7 Enhanced cleaning should take place to ensure the frequency of cleaning surfaces is increased, especially those that are being touched frequently / by numerous persons. All staff aware AB/Cleaning Team 21/06/2021
1.8 Ensure staff, pupils and attendees maintain good hand hygiene through frequent hand washing or the use of hand sanitiser. Provide facilities at regular points e.g hand sanitiser dispensers / sinks,  to enable this to take place.  Al staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.9 Staff, pupils or attendees who have symptoms of Covid or are self isolating must not attend.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.10 Face coverings must be worn indoors by attendees / visitors (the usual exemptions apply for those who cannot wear face coverings).  There is no legal requirement to wear a face covering when outdoors however they are recommended in communal areas / pinch points where social distancing is hard to maintain e.g entrances / exits, queues for outdoor facilities.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.11 Ensure attendees are informed of the need to socially distance wherever possible, to be mindful that individuals may still wish to socially distance within permitted groups, and that they must not mix with persons outside their permitted group.   All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.12 Dancing is advised against due to the increased risk of transmission.  Dancefloors and other spaces for dancing must not be created. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.13 Risk assess whether staff, especially those who are CEV, CV or at higher risk need additional control measures for any large events or those involving large numbers of visitors.  Be mindful that staff may be anxious about mixing with larger groups of people than throughout their normal school activities.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.14 Review the fire evacuation and emergency invacuation / evacuation procedures and make any changes relevant for the event. Ensure attendees are informed of these procedures.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
1.15 If attendees are allowed to take photographs before, during and after the event, ensure this is managed in such a way as to ensure they do not mix between the permitted groups and that social distance from pupils and staff is maintained.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
E2. Arrival, departure and movement around the premises.  2.1 Consider a staggered arrival and departure of attendees and timed entry, as well as the flow and dispersal across the event site of attendees within their permitted groups to ensure that large numbers of people do not congregate in any one area of the site. All satff aware BC 21/06/2021
2.2 Consider the use of multiple entrances / exits to the site or buildings for larger events to minimise crowding at entrances/ exits. All satff aware BC 21/06/2021
2.3 Where possible, create one way systems for entry / exit and movement around the site / buildings.  All satff aware BC 21/06/2021
2.4 Where possible bring attendees in / out by the shortest route e.g by direct access to the hall / performance space/ playground. All satff aware BC 21/06/2021
2.5 In line with the Covid arrangements in Section 2 of the overall Covid risk assessment, visitors should use separate toilets to those used by staff and pupils if the event takes place during the normal school day.  All satff aware BC 21/06/2021
E3. Catering / Refreshments. 3.1 There are requirements for food and drink to be consumed at the table for some events. 1)  if the event is not ticketed and sells alcohol, then all food and drink must be ordered, served and consumed at a table. 2) if the event is ticketed attendees are able to collect food and drink (including alcoholic drink) to consume at their seats, rather than having to be served at a table. 3) where the sale of alcohol is not offered, attendees will need to be seated when consuming food and drink, but can order and collect food and drink from a counter. 4) where there is no seating available, a stall or outlet can provide a takeaway or delivery service. Takeaway food and drink cannot be consumed in the stall or outlet, or in an area adjacent to the stall or outlet, and attendees must adhere to safe social distancing when queuing for food and drink e.g  put up signs or introduce a one way system that attendees can follow or using marshals to maintain this. We will not be offering refreshments for any events    
3.2 Self service counters should not be used for open foods / drinks.  see 3.1    
3.3 Any tables should be limited to groups of up to 6 people or 2 households/bubbles indoors, and up to 30 people outdoors. Tables must be arranged to allow social distancing (2m, or 1m+ with barriers between tables) to be maintained between groups of attendees. see 3.1    
3.4 Indoor dining events are permitted.  COVID-19 guidance for bars, pubs and takeaway services should be followed for these events. Events must ensure in particular:  1) attendees are in groups of no more than 6 people, or two households, and do not mix with any other groups at the event, 2) seating is assigned and carefully controlled to ensure attendees do not mix with any other table, including approaching other tables or sitting at different tables, 3) food and drink is consumed by attendees while they are seated, 4) attendees wear face coverings whenever not seated at their table.  see 3.1    
E4. Sports Days / Events.  4.1 Sports days / events can go ahead with or without parent / carer spectators.  All staff aware - we will not be inviting parents to attend as we cannot guarantee safe distancing on the site BC 21/06/2021
4.2 Sports equipment should be regularly cleaned throughout the event and between bubble usage.   All staff aware BC/WO 21/06/2021
4.3 Spectators must adhere to current social distancing requirements. Where events take place outdoors, spectators can gather in separate groups of up to 30 – the legal gathering limit. Multiple groups of 30 are permitted.   Spectator areas should be organised so that social distancing can be maintained if individuals wish to socially distance. Children from different bubbles must be kept separate at all times when participating at the Sports Days All Staff 21/06/2021
4.4 Spectators must maintain social distancing from school staff and pupils wherever possible. Exemptions would include activities such as the provision of first aid, emergency evacuation.   No parents will attend Sports Day this year BC  
4.5 Parents / carers sports activities e.g parent races, can take place providing participants are from the same group of 30, and are socially distanced whilst entering and exiting and throughout the activity. They must maintain social distancing from staff and pupils whilst participating.  see 4.5 BC  
E.5 Performances. 5.1 Consider whether your production, event or performance can take place without an audience. Increasing the number of people involved increases the risk of transmission, so you should consider whether your performance requires an audience or explore alternative approaches such as virtual or live-streamed events. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.2 Performances and pupils and staff taking part in the performance should follow the guidelines in Section 2, part 32.   Registered early years settings, schools and colleges are, however, exempt from the requirement to limit group numbers to 6 for singing indoors.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.3 It is recommended the first row of any audience is at least 3m away from the most forward position of performers where singing, playing instruments or loud voices are part the of the performance.   All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.4 Attendees must maintain social distancing from school staff and pupils wherever possible. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.5 Consider how you can make any visitor interaction areas safer, e.g with increased cleaning, keeping the activity time as short as possible and considering the addition of screens between attendees and school staff / pupils. All staff aware Staff/AB & Cleaning Team 21/06/2021
5.6 Minimise contacts around transactions, for example by using online booking and pre-payment and encouraging contactless payments wherever possible. If any events take place with ;parents, we will write to them stating safety arrangements and if any one contravines the rules, the event will be stopped BC 21/06/2021
5.7 Avoid or discourage audiences cheering, chanting and singing along, and prevent close-contact activities such as communal dancing.  Where possible, do not play music or broadcasts (for example, during intervals), or lower the volume so that it does not make normal conversation difficult. All satff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.8 Consider providing programmes and other performance materials in digital format or in single user format that the attendee takes away with them.  This would also apply to materials used for any collective worship during performances e.g prayer mats , devotional material as these should not be shared.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.9 It is recommended attendees are by pre-booked ticket entry only. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.10 Provide allocated seating where possible, and manage seating plans through ticketing systems or manually to ensure social distancing is maintained. If unallocated seating is provided, install seat separation or labelling seats which should not be used, or deploy staff to support the audience in adhering to social distanced seating. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.11 Consider how to manage crowding before and after performances. Marshalling may be needed at key pinch-points, such as entrances, exits and toilet facilities, and care should be taken to remove any barriers at exits that might cause crowding. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.12 Ensure that the audience placement allows for social distancing.  Social distancing should be maintained at 2m as far as possible, but this can be reduced to a minimum of 1m where 2m is unviable, and where other mitigations are in place, such as increased ventilation.  All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.13 When the audience is seated in rows, social distancing should always be observed side-to-side, between groups, households or support bubbles. Where possible, seating should allow people in the same group who do not live together to maintain social distancing. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.14 Social distancing should also be applied nose-to-nose i.e. maintaining 1m between seats in front and behind. Where possible, seating should allow people in the same group who do not live together to maintain social distancing. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.15 Put in place measures to ensure seating and other safety measures are being observed. This may include staff and ushers supervising the audience or doing regular checks, in particular before and at the end of each performance. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.16 Audiences / visitors must wear face coverings at all times indoors. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
5.17 Outdoors, people can take part in non-professional performing arts activities in a group of up to 30 people. Activities can take place with multiple permitted groups, provided the groups are kept separate throughout the activity. All staff aware BC 21/06/2021
E6. Record Keeping 6.1 Records of attendees at events and any groups of 6 or 30 they were part of should be kept for the purposes of test and trace for 21 days. QR codes may assist with this and guidance on obtaining one can be found here… All staff aware BC 21/06/2021