Dear Parents,
We think it is best that we get the most up to date information we have to you all as soon as we can. This week we will send a daily update which may not contain masses of new information but will nonetheless keep you all up to speed as far as school is concerned. We hope you find that idea helpful.
- Please continue to refer to the latest Government Advice on Covid-19.
- Household isolation is now in place for a 14 day period if anyone in the household displays any of the symptoms of Covid-19.
- Those in the published vulnerable groups are advised to reduce social interactions and, in most cases, work from home.
Updates from School:
- We now have five members of staff absent, none of whom are displaying symptoms of Covid-19. However, all classes are open and staffed.
- A number of children are absent from school. It is vital that school understands the reason for absence. This is because if a family is self-isolating, children will not be allowed to return to school for the 14-day period. Can we please ask that you make it very clear in messages sent to school the reason for absence. Unless we are clear that a child is absent for any other reason, we will assume the family are self-isolating and the children will not be able to return to school until the 14th day after the first day of absence. If we have just been told that the children are staying at home, or it is for medical reasons, etc, we will assume self-isolation is the reason for absence and the children will have to remain at home for the full 14 day period. I trust you understand this policy. It is extremely difficult for any of our staff to make judgements, we cannot give advice about periods of absence and we must follow DFE and Public Health England guidelines.
- It is more important than ever that we have up to date email and telephone contact details for parents. If you or your partner have not been receiving updates through School Comms, or you have recently changed your phone number or address, please send us updated details.
- Unfortunately, the Special Daily Mile on Thursday has been postponed. With a larger than normal number of children and staff absent, it seemed the correct decision to make.
- Every child in Years 1 to 6 should have received log-in details for SeeSaw. Quite a number of children have already responded. Please do log-in, it would be really useful for us to know if you can access the program. And please, keep the log-in details safe and secure.
- We are not holding any worship or assemblies in school until further notice
- Should school close, plans are being made to provide lunches every school day for any children whose parents have applied to receive Free School Meals. THIS IS NOT A UNIVERSAL OFFER TO CHILDREN IN RECEPTION & YEARS 1&2. It is only for families who have applied to the relevant Local Council directly for a Free School Meals assessment. School will contact relevant families directly with further information should school close.
We will continue teaching the children in their class groups as long as we can staff each class and the numbers of children attending remains high. There may come a time when we put classes together because of low attendance, partially close for fixed periods due to staff absence, or even close completely if directed to or we do not have a safe, viable staff:pupil ratio.
Our aim is for school to remain open but we are sure you understand these are very uncertain times. We will always try to give you as much notice as possible of any significant updates.
Please look after each other and we’ll send a further update tomorrow.
Yours sincerely,
Mr R Curran