
“Service is not, in itself, a virtue, but it flows from various virtues, especially humility and charity.   It is one way in which that love which ‘does not pursue selfish interests, but those of others,’ manifests itself, and gives of itself without seeking any return."

Our theme for this half term is ‘Service’.  To the right of this page, you'll find a document that outlines the theological importance of this value, as well as providing some bible references that we hope are useful. 

The key message we hope that children learn is that when we serve others, we don’t expect a reward.  When we serve others, we put their needs and interests first.  It would also be useful to thing about the spiritual rewards to helping others.

Ideas for discussion

  • What is service? Can you think of people who serve you? 
  • Jesus as the servant king – exemplified by the washing of the disciples’ feet at The Last Supper.
  • The story of The Good Samaritan. Why do people do good things? Do we need a reward for doing good things?
  • Black History Month (October) – focus on important historical figures who have made personal sacrifices and taken risks in pursuit of justice for everyone.
  • How do we serve others during Harvest Festival (19.10.16) and McMillan Coffee morning. Why do we give to charity?  Do we expect anything in return? 

PSHE Links

Our topic this half term is 'Being me in my world'. When we consider our own identity, it is important that we reflect on our relationships with others – no man is an island after all.  It is important that we recognise the way that others serve us and are grateful for these acts.  It is also useful to think about how we can serve others to help make our world a better place to live.