
During the Summer term, much of our focus will lie with revisiting facts and skills learnt during the year so far and applying these to reasoning and word problems. We will begin the half term with a short unit on place value, before moving onto division and multiplication and finally looking at subtraction and addition. Many of our calculations will involve using and converting different units of measure, such as metric measures of distance (mm, cm, m, km) and money. Of course we will continue to practise out times tables.


We will  read "The Firework Maker's Daughter" by Phillip Pullman, working together on a collection of tasks that analyse his writing style. while honing our own inference skills. Later we will move onto Tamarind and the Star of Ishta by Jasbinder Bilan. In writing, we'll cover instructions before moving onto to descriptive techniques. 

Religious Education

 This half term we will explore the key question 'What is perseverance?' Pupils will learn about sacred ceremonies in different religions. To support this, we will explore art work depicting life as a tree with leaves representing key milestones. 


In Science  we will explore food chains in our unit "Humans and other Animals. During our art topic about , pupils will learn from famous artists such as David Hockney and attempt to draw in a similar style. For PE we will work on dexterity, control and artistic expression when performing  short gymnastic routines. In music we're looking forward to learning a tune or two on the xylophones.